Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Verbal-Text as a Process of Compositional and Improvisational Elaboration in Litungu Music Essay Example

Verbal-Text as a Process of Compositional and Improvisational Elaboration in Litungu Music Essay VERBAL-TEXT AS A PROCESS OF COMPOSITIONAL AND IMPROVISATIONAL ELABORATION IN BUKUSU LITUNGU MUSIC by ABIGAEL NANCY MASASABI Submitted as per the prerequisites for the level of DOCTOR OF MUSICOLOGY at the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA SUPERVISOR: DR MARIE R. JORRITSMA CO-SUPERVISOR: DR FLORENCE NGALE MIYA MAY 2011 I DECLARATION Student number: 3658-166-6 I announce that VERBAL-TEXT AS A PROCESS OF COMPOSITIONAL AND IMPROVISATIONAL ELABORATION IN BUKUSU LITUNGU MUSIC is my own work and that all sources that I have utilized or cited have been demonstrated and recognized by methods for complete references. _______________________ SIGNATURE (Miss A N Masasabi) ______________ DATE ii DEDICATION To the late Japheth Muia Mutangili and my little girl Grace Buyanzi. iii Acknowledgments This work would not have been cultivated without the good and expert help of various people. I am especially thankful to my administrators for their understanding, backing and direction. I express gratitude toward Dr Marie Jorritsma for her perceptiveness in issues of hypothetical substance, language and association. Her cautious perusing and reactions prompted considerable improvement in the nature of this postulation. I am likewise obligated to my second boss Dr Florence Ngale Miya whose remarks and recommendations were a wellspring of motivation. Dr Miya‘s support and her trust in my capacity propped me up all through my work. I express gratitude toward Dr Kidula for setting aside effort to scrutinize my proposal, guiding me to books pertinent to my investigation and for sending me various articles that improved my theory. I express gratitude toward Dr and Prof Tamusuza for canny reactions to the hypothesis, strategy and wordings utilized in my theory. I additionally express gratitude toward Dr Kilonzo for her support and for editing my proposition. We will compose a custom paper test on Verbal-Text as a Process of Compositional and Improvisational Elaboration in Litungu Music explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Verbal-Text as a Process of Compositional and Improvisational Elaboration in Litungu Music explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Verbal-Text as a Process of Compositional and Improvisational Elaboration in Litungu Music explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Also I might want to acknowledge Dr Omondi Okech for altering my proposal. I might likewise want to recognize the help of Fred Wekesa Kusienya and Isaac Shitubi who made my hands on work a lot simpler. They helped me to distinguish interviewees and accompanied me during my hands on work. Shitubi was instrumental during the meeting procedure and Kusienya helped me by confirming the interpretations of melodies from Lubukusu to English. I value the participation I got from my interviewees who included individuals from the Jackson Kisika Band, the Namatete Band, the Sinani Group Band, the Lugulu Bumusika Band and the Kwane Band. An abundance of thanks go to my folks Cleophas Masasabi and Grace Masasabi, my siblings Richard and Wellington, and sisters Catherine and Dorcas for their help and motivation. Uncommon gratitude to my mom for dealing with my child Grace as I was occupied with gathering information. At long last, I value the omnipotent God for invigorating me and the sound psyche to embrace this investigation. iv ABSTRACT The Bukusu people group is transcendently found in Bungoma locale of Western Kenya. The Litungu is a word alluding to a lyre among the Bukusu people group. Music joined by this instrument is what is alluded to as Litungu music. This music utilizes sung text and â€Å"verbal-text†/silao-sikeleko (discourse and discourse song) and silao-sikeleko is the point of convergence of this examination. Silao-sikeleko is acted in variation with sung text in Litungu music. This examination tries to distinguish the social and compositional job of silao-sikeleko in the music. To accomplish the destinations of this examination I utilized a subjective way to deal with gather and investigate information. Information assortment incorporated the utilization of meetings and perception. The interviewees included entertainers of Litungu music, whose music was sound recorded and video recorded for examination. What's more, I mentioned objective facts of the presentation destinations and execution conduct, taking notes and making sound and video recording. Music for examination was then chosen on the premise that it had the silao-sikeleko part. The Bukusu social perspective on silao-sikeleko is examined comparable to their traditions and lifestyle. The execution of silao-sikeleko depends on a socially imagined system that permits the association of different entertainers in the presentation piece process. Here the settings inside which silao-sikeleko is performed are recognized. Investigation of the connection between sung text and silao-sikeleko set up that while the two are specifically brought together, silaosikeleko proves the sung messages by encouraging a comprehension of messages contained in the tunes. The investigation of language utilize determined that silao-sikeleko utilizes language gadgets, for example, maxims, colloquialisms, imagery, puzzles and comparisons. I built up that silao-sikeleko as an exhibition compositional component has its own presentational structure that impacts the general structure of the Litungu music. Litungu music has a semi rondoic structure whose yield isn't static however differs as indicated by setting and the desires of the soloist. The soloist deciphers how adequately a given message has been conveyed during execution deciding how much silao-sikeleko ought to be performed. Silao-sikeleko is by and large formed and performed by different individuals from a performing gathering. Key terms: Kenyan music, Bukusu music, Bukusu culture, Litungu music, silao-sikeleko, execution creation, music arrangement, melody text, music structure, spontaneous creation. v Chapter by chapter list DECLARATION . ii DEDICATION . iii Acknowledgments .. iv ABSTRACT ILLUSTRATIONS ix LIST OF FIGURES . ix LIST OF TABLES . x LIST OF PLATES . Meaning OF TERMS xi CHAPTER ONE .. 1 INTRODUCTION .. 1. 1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY .. 1. 1. 1 Who are the Bukusu? .. 2 1. 1. 1. 1 Bukusu Origin and Settlement 3 1. 1. 1. 2 The Bukusu Family and Social Life 6 1. 1. 2 Bukusu Litungu Music .. 10 1. 1. 2. 1. Litungu Music in the Community . 0 1. 1. 2. 2. Sexual orientation Issues in Litungu Music 11 1. 1. 2. 3. Development of the Litungu . 12 1. 1. 2. 4. Litungu Performance Technique and Ensemble 14 1. 2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM . 19 1. 3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES .. 0 1. 4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 20 1. 5 RATIONALE AND SIGNIFICANCE . 21 1. 6 SCOPE AND LIMITATION . 22 1. 7 THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK . 23 CHAPTER TWO .. 8 LITERATURE REVIEW . 28 2. 1 INTRODUCTION .. 28 2. 2 COMPOSITIONAL ELEMENTS IN AFRICAN MUSICS . 28 2. 3 SONG TEXTS AND SILAO-SIKELEKO 38 2. 4 CREATIVE PROCESS IN A FRICAN MUSIC .. 44 2. End . 48 CHAPTER THREE . 49 RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 49 3. 1 INTRODUCTION .. 49 3. 2 RESEARCH DESIGN .. 49 3. Populace AND SAMPLING 50 3. 3. 1 Target populace . 50 3. 3. 2 Purposive inspecting . 50 3. 3. 3 Snowball testing .. 51 3. 4 DATA COLLECTION . 2 vi 3. 4. 1 Fieldwork 53 3. 4. 2 Interview strategy . 54 3. 4. 3 Observation . 56 3. 4. 4 Note taking .. 56 3. 4. 5 Audio and video ecording.. 57 3. 4. 6 Photography .. 57 3. 5 DATA PROCESSING, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION.. 58 3. 8 CONCLUSION . 58 CHAPTER FOUR . 0 FORMAL STRUCTURE OF LITUNGU MUSIC 60 4. 1 INTRODUCTION .. 60 4. 2 SILAO-SIKELEKO STRUCTURE . 61 4. 2. 1 Narration . 62 4. 2. 2 Dialog by Two People. 3 4. 2. 3 Dialog by More Than Two People 64 4. 3 OCCURRENCE OF SILAO-SIKELEKO. 67 4. 4 THE CONSTRUCTION OF INSTRUMENTAL PHRASES .. 71 4. 5 OVERALL FORM OF LITUNGU MUSIC .. 79 4. 7 CONCLUSION . 2 CHAPTER FIVE .. 94 THE CULTURAL ROLE OF SILAO-SIKELEKO IN BUKUSU LITUNGU MUSIC . 94 5. 1 INTRODUCTION .. 9 4 5. 2 THE ORIGIN OF THE SILAO-SIKELEKO ELEMENT IN LITUNGU MUSIC .. 95 5. 3 CONTEXT OF SILAO-SIKELEKO IN LITUNGU MUSIC .. 97 5. Social FUNCTION OF SILAO-SIKELEKO IN LITUNGU MUSIC 105 5. 4. 1 Introduction and Acknowledge Personalities 105 5. 4. 2 Education . 108 5. 4. 3 Self Expression . 113 5. 4. 4 Social Commentary. 113 5. End .. 121 CHAPTER SIX 123 SUNG TEXT AND SILAO-SIKELEKO . 123 6. 1 INTRODUCTION 123 6. 2 THEMATIC ROLE OF SILAO-SIKELEKO .. 24 6. 3 QUANTITY OF SILAO-SIKELEKO IN LITUNGU MUSIC . 136 6. 4 LANGUAGE USE 141 6. 4. 1. Composition versus Poetry. 143 6. 4. 3. Symbolism 145 6. 4. 6. Axioms and Sayings 48 6. 4. 7. Imagery . 152 6. 4. 9. Enigma .. . 155 6. 4. 10. Colloquial Expression . 156 6. 4. 11. Moral story 156 6. 5. WORDS DEPICTING RELATIONSHIPS 158 6. 6 CONCLUSION .. 160 CHAPTER SEVEN .. 163 vii PERFORMANCE COMPOSITION IN BUKUSU LITUNGU MUSIC 163 7. 1 INTRODUCTION 63 7. 2 PREREQUISITES FOR THE IMPROVISATIONAL PROCESS . 165 7. 2. 1 Prolonged Exposure to Music 167 7. 2. 2 Knowledge and Mastery of Lubukusu .. 171 7. 2. 3. Information on Cultural Environment and Events .. 173 7. 2. 4. Nearness and Maturity of Audience .. 174 7. 2. 5. Intra-Group and Inter-Group Interaction 175 7. 2. 6. Information on Instrumental Genre . 176 7. 3 THE CONSTANT AND VARIED FEATURES OF LITUNGU MUSIC .. 177 7. 4 THE CREATIVE PROCESSES 188 7. 5 CONCLUSION .. 193 CHAPTER EIGHT .. 195 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.. 195 8. 1 SUMMARY . 195 8. 2 CONCLUSIONS 195 8. 3 RECOMMENDATIONS .. 99 BIBLIOGRAPHY .. 201 APPENDIX I 216 SONGS IN LUBUKUSU AND THEIR TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH 216 APPENDIX II .. 252 CONSENT FORM FOR RESEARCH ASSISTANTS .. 52 APPENDIX III . 254 CONSENT FORM FOR INTERVIEWEES . 254 APPENDIX 1V 255 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS . 55 APPENDIX V .. 256 FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION INTERVIEW GUIDE 256 APPENDIX VI. 257 INDEX TO AUDIO CD . 257 viii ILLUSTRATIONS LIST OF FIGURES 1. 1 Map of Kenya indicating the area of Bungoma region 1. An Exam

Saturday, August 22, 2020

L’Oreal : Strategies for the Indian Market Essay

1. Assess L’Oreal’s passage system in the Indian market as for the item, advancement, valuing and place choices? 2. What have been the adjustments in the showcasing system of L’Oreal over the most recent 8 years? Assess them as for determination of item/advertise and every component of the promoting blend? 3. What elements helped the quick selection of Excellence colorants among its objective clients? 4. Assess the choices accessible to the administration to accomplish target deals of Rs. 1 billion in the year 2000. Set up an examination of different advertising blend alternatives and choices inside individual blend components †target showcase, item, channel, advancement, and cost. a) Show the counts and allude to these obviously as they are utilized in assessing alternatives for choices in the advertising blend. b) Which item/markets should the organization center upon? Mediquip S. A. Meeting 5: Preparation Questions 1. What were Thaldorf’s significant qualities and shortcomings as an agent of Mediquip? 2. Distinguish every individual from Lohmann Hospital’s dynamic unit (DMU)? 3. What were the necessities, concerns and inspirations of each DMU part? 4. What was the relative force position of each DMU part? 5. How very much did Thaldorf interface with every individual from the DMU? 6. On what date did Thaldorf viably lose the deal to Lohmann University? Rosewood Hotels and Resorts: Marking to Increase Customer Meeting 9: Preparation Questions 1. For what reason is Rosewood thinking about another brand technique? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving from singular brands to a corporate brand? 3. Will the transition to corporate marking amplify client lifetime esteem? SaleSoft Inc. Meetings 10 and 12: Preparation Questions 1.What is your arrangement? Do you intend to proceed with PROCEED or will you present the TH item? Offer help for your arrangement. 2.What is the purchasing cycle for PROCEED ? Who are the individuals associated with the acquisition of a CSAS arrangement ? What is the job of specialists? 3.What is SaleSoft’s current way to deal with selling PROCEED ? 4.Quantify the advantages of CSAS to a client utilizing the data given in Exhibit 7. 5.What worth does TH give a client ? How is this not the same as the client esteem conveyed by PROCEED ? 6.What is a Trojan Horse ? How can it encourage client procurement and maintenance ? 7.How will you value TH ? Accept variable expenses of $200. 8.How do you think SaleSoft’s association structure will influence its capacity to sell PROCEED or TH ? 9.How will you bolster the clients of PROCEED and/or TH? HP Consumer Products Business Organization : Conveying Printers by means of the Internet Meeting 13: Preparation Questions 1.What sort of on-line nearness do you figure HP ought to have ? Why ? 2.What dangers do you find in your technique? How might you oversee them ? 3.Should printers and printing supplies be dealt with diversely ? 4.What would the individuals, best case scenario Buy think about your arrangement ? Would it be any unique at CompUSA or the equivalent ? What responses may they need to updates on your arrangements ? Tanishq Meeting 15: Preparation Questions 1. How did the situating of Tanishq brand develop? What components affected the adjustments in its situating? 2. For what reason was GoldPlus propelled? How would you rate its exhibition? 3. What is your suggestion to Bhaskar Bhat to focus on the plain gold adornments showcase in India? Rundown the vital, monetary, hierarchical and brand speculation effect of your proposal. Centra Software Meeting 16: Preparation Questions 1. What are the clients of Centra purchasing? What advantages are do clients get from Centra’s items? In what manner ought to Centra fragment its market? 2. Does Centra need a procedure to choose which clients to choose or would it be a good idea for it to angle where the fish are gnawing? 3. Ought to Centra utilize every one of the three channels to offer the three items to all clients or would it be advisable for it to utilize a few items and channels to focus on certain portions? 4. How might you settle the question among Reed and Lesser on the best way to convey the telesales group? OK extend telesales? Goodbye Ace Meeting 17: Preparation Questions 1. What elements impacted the advancement of Tata Ace? 2. Is Tata Ace fruitful? Why? 3. Portray the methodologies received to build up the Tata Ace, covering item structure, dissemination, showcasing, administration, sourcing, and so forth which affected its incentive to the organization and the client. 4. Assess alternatives to the directors of Tata Ace for development and methodologies to confront rivalry? Recommend choices for development in existing portion, new markets, sends out, and so forth. CRM at ICICI Meeting 18: Preparation Questions 1. Rundown the variables in the large scale condition which impacts ICICI’s retail business. 2. What is ICICI’s procedure in the retail monetary administrations business? 3. For what reason does ICICI need to assemble long haul relationship with its clients? 4. How could it approach choosing and actualizing a CRM arrangement? 5. What exercises on CRM can be summed up from ICICI’s experience?

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Transporting Troubled Teens Into a Treatment Program

Transporting Troubled Teens Into a Treatment Program Theories Behavioral Psychology Print Transporting Troubled Teens Into a Treatment Program By Kathryn Rudlin, LCSW Updated on August 13, 2019 Mixmike/Getty Images More in Theories Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology What are the options when there are concerns about transporting a resistant teen to a program that could help them?  Perhaps youve found a treatment program to provide the help your troubled teen desperately needs, but your teen refuses to go and threatens to run away if you try to force them. Or perhaps you have fears your teen may try to physically harm themselves or someone else if you transport them to the program, especially if its far away.  In these situations hiring teen transport or escort service provides a possible solution.   What Is a Teen Transport Service? Emotions often run high in arranging for a teen to leave home to go into a treatment program. Teen transport services are designed to help by providing safe transportation and a therapeutic transition to programs such as wilderness therapy, residential treatment centers  (RTC) or residential drug treatment. The staff who work for these services anticipate resistance from the teens they transport, so they are trained to look for signs of anxiety or attempts to run and have a plan for how to respond. In most cases two agents or interventionists pick your teen up, catching them by surprise if needed, and take them to the program. The goals are to ensure safety during the transport and to educate and support the teen emotionally to make the transition from home to being in a treatment program. What Happens When a Teen Is Transported? Escort services vary in their specific approaches and procedures, but most share a similar overall strategy that takes place during five primary steps: Initial contact. You as parents develop a plan with the staff of the transport service that takes into account where your teen is going, concerns about getting them there and any special medical or emotional needs.Initial team arrival. You meet the team at the front door or outside the house to provide information about your teens current status, give the team items needed for your teens trip and describe the layout of the home, including potential escape routes.Intervention. This is usually the most difficult time for both teens and parents. You go into your teens room, wake them up if needed, introduce the team by name and provide a simple explanation that they are here to make sure your teen gets to the program safely. You then leave the room to reduce the opportunities for your teen to be verbally abusive or attempt to manipulate you and let the team take over. The transport team will firmly establish they are in charge and escort your teen to the transport vehicle.Transportation . The team sets boundaries for your teen and explains what behavior is acceptable and what is not. The team may be driving to the program or taking your teen to the airport, where one or both of the team members will accompany your teen on the plane. At this point, your teen will need to be calm and cooperative enough to fly. If not, the rest of the trip will need to be continued in the transport vehicle.Transition to the treatment program. As soon as your teen is in the vehicle, the staff starts preparing them for the treatment program that they will soon be entering by trying to decrease their anxiety, answering questions, providing information about what to expect and encouraging your teen to be open to giving the program a chance. The team stays with your teen until they are physically transitioned into the treatment program Does the Transport Team Come in the Middle of the Night? Sometimes they do and this is the image most parents have of teen escort services, but it is not the only option. In some cases taking a teen by surprise and getting them moving while too groggy to resist makes sense, but a good company will strategize with you to develop an intervention that happens where and when it will be in the best interest of your teen. Are Physical Restraints Used to Transport Teens? These services have somewhat of a reputation for handling teens aggressively, but this appears to be the exception rather than the rule. Initially, these companies were set up to handle only potentially combative or difficult teens, but now these services have expanded to be more supportive of both teens and parents. This shift in philosophy has also changed how most companies facilitate the transition. Interventionists or agents are trained to treat teens with respect, to verbally de-escalate aggressive and resistant behavior and to keep your teen safe through verbal means, resorting to physical restraint only when absolutely necessary. Most agents do carry plastic restraints or handcuffs to use if needed. No legitimate company uses pepper spray or other aggressive methods for teens. When Is Using a Teen Transportation Service Appropriate? The decision to use transport services to get a teen into a treatment program has to be made carefully by a parent, based on knowing your teen and learning about the services available. There are no firm guidelines for when to use or not use this service, but in most cases, this type of intervention is best suited for teens who are mean, aggressive, defiant, manipulative, angry or hostile. Other candidates for being escorted are teens who are abusing substances, or have a history of illegal behavior or running away. For teens who are depressed, cutting  or have an eating or mood disorder, parents are advised to be careful in making this choice and to only consider using a service that is focused on transporting teens in a positive manner, as it could do more harm than good in these cases. Hiring a therapeutic teen transport service is often a last resort but it doesnt need to be a negative experience and many times may be the only way to get a troubled teen the help they desperately need. This option is most often used for potentially volatile teens, but should also be considered for teens in need of extra support or when there is uncertainty about how a teen may react.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Reaction Paper - 852 Words

â€Å"Thin† Reaction Paper â€Å"Thin† a documentary about women facing their eating disorders. â€Å"Thin† focused on four particular women Polly, Shelley, Brittany, and Alisa. These women were all brave enough to realize they had a problem and wanted help with the exception of Brittany. Sometimes when I hear about women with eating disorders I can be unsympathetic. I just feel there are so many things in life to think about other than what people think of you. Then I had to realize media has a lot to do with the way our young women picture themselves. We all want to look like this superstar. They all see this fat, ugly person when they look in the mirror and I realized I do the same thing, if we admit it we’ve all done it. The only difference is I’ve†¦show more content†¦I really felt bad for poor Brittany. She was just in a dark place and really need to get deep to the root cause of her disorder which was her mother. I didn’t understand why the Renfrew would relea se her to her mother who admitted to having an eating disorder herself. Brittany needed to be around people who want to get better not someone who is going to play the â€Å"spit-n-chew† game with her. I was able to find updated information about her and read she eventually moved with her dad and was doing much better. I do pray this is true as I was unable to find any other articles regarding her. Shelley, who surprisingly is a psychiatric nurse, is another patient of the Renfrew Center. She seemed to be a bit spoiled and just didn’t take her problem seriously. The first thing she could think of when she got her feeding tube removed from her nose and put into her stomach was now she has easy access to her stomach. As time progressed though she did seem like she genuinely wanted to get better. In Shelley’s update I find out she needed shock treatment but that she’s also married now. Then you hear the story of Alisa being at the pediatrician’s office and hearing she’s fat at seven years old. It makes you realize just how impressionable our kids are because that’s when her disorder started. Nobody wants to hear their fat not even a seven year old. It was encouraging when she really started to try and get better for her but then she gets putShow MoreRelatedreaction Paper692 Words   |  3 Pagesand the Beanstalk: The Real Story, this movie was related to our last topic in management 5. Instead of having a formal meeting in our subject in Social Responsibility and Good Governance, we need to watch because after that we need to have a reaction paper regarding the movie. In the beginning, the story makes me feel bored of watching and listening because the audio and the cast of the movie speak very fast and I don’t understand what they saying. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Business Environment Of Chin China Country Report

Group 5B – China Country Report The People’s Republic of China has the largest population in the world with 3.7 million square miles of land, half of which is uninhabitable. China is a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Their government is a communist state primarily lead by the â€Å"Paramount Leader,† Xi Jinping, who holds three significant head-of-state and political offices. This paper will take a look at the culture of China in a way that should be beneficial to anyone planning to do business in China. It will also look at the business environment of China and how it compares to the United States by looking at how China approaches rules and regulations, China’s economic growth, some forecasting of China’s future workforce, and some opportunities and threats of doing business in China. Finally, the paper will take a look at the way Chinese people respond to leadersh ip and get an idea of the best leadership styles for expatriates. Background and Culture China is one of the largest nations in the world with a history dating back four thousand years starting with the Xia Dynasty in 2200BCE. Now known as the People’s Republic of China, the country has an estimated population of 1.35 billion people and it is the most populated nation on earth. The country is divided into two regions, Inner China and Outer China, and ninety five percent of China’s population lives in Inner China. Beijing is theShow MoreRelatedEssay on A Marketing Plan for Twg Tea to Enter China Market2775 Words   |  12 PagesA marketing plan for TWG Tea to enter China market Table of contents Executive Summary 3 1.0 Introduction 4 1.1 Product background 4 1.2 Company background 4 1.3 Country background 4 2.0 Business Evnrionment 5 2.1 PESTEL analysis 5 2.2 SWOT analysis 6 2.3 Market analysis 8 3.0 Marketing strategy 8 3.1 Objectives 8 3.2 Target market 8 3.3 Positioning 8 3.4 Marketing mix 8 3.4.1 Product 9 3.4.2 PriceRead MoreSocio-Economic Change by Tourism in Myanmar2007 Words   |  9 Pagesof the country is very relative to the development of tourism and It brings both positive and negative effects to the host countries. In this report, what politics in Myanmar drive tourism development and impacts of tourism will be discussed. Myanmar- an introduction Myanmar is situated in the crossroad of China and India which are the world great civilizations. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

History of Healthcare and Economics Free Essays

This paper will discuss the history and evolution of healthcare economics and healthcare funding timelines. In the 21st Century healthcare has proven to be one the largest industries world. The healthcare industry has changed dramatically in the last hundred years. We will write a custom essay sample on History of Healthcare and Economics or any similar topic only for you Order Now As changes and progression are examined, it becomes clearer that healthcare and the economy it has created, is an important part of American life. The way the funds flow in the healthcare system allows financial managers to track the money through the health care system. The initial flow of funds has drastically changed throughout the years. The economics of healthcare, â€Å"the study of how scarce resources are allocated among alternative uses for the care of sickness and the promotion, maintenance and improvement of health, including the study of how healthcare and health-related services, their costs and benefits, and health itself are distributed among individuals and groups in society†, according to The journal of Mental Health Policy and Economy (2006). There are records as early as the turn of twentieth century that show that healthcare providers charged for services including surgeries such as tumor removal, appendectomies and gynecological operations. Services may have been exchanged for items such as livestock, food items, or cotton. The patient or his or her family may have exchanged services for patient care. No form of health care insurance was available; prices were not set by any organization or person. Physicians of the early twentieth century were tradesmen and essentially businessman. Patients paid the full price for the medical services offered by the physician. According to PBS (n. d. ), in the 1910’s some reformers argue that there should be some sort of health insurance. Although the idea seemed to have some support, many physicians and other interest groups did not approve. War World One took place in 1917 and for the moment healthcare reform was put on the back burner. The lack of technology and inadequate health centers raise the amount of cost needed for medical care. The current economic and war state of the country took priority over healthcare reform. General Motors offers life insurance for 180,000 workers through Metropolitan Life. The same time doctors’ wages increased. During the Great Depression, it became apparent that there should be some sort of benefits for individuals as they reached retirement age. Instead of health insurance, the Social Security Act was passed. During the Roosevelt Administration, many reformers pushed for health insurance again, but conflicts within the country once again pushed for health care insurance. Blue Cross started offering private insurance for hospital care in many states even though it was considered a bad idea by many insurance professionals. The timeline from the PBS (n. d. ), website in the 1940’s a radical reformation took place. War World Two wages were capped and controlled on American employers. Companies began offering health benefits to compete with other employers. This idea has sparked the employer-based system that is used by employers today. A Universal Healthcare plan is introduced by President Truman, but is never used. The American Medical Association (AMA) believes the plan is Communist in nature. As the Korean War approached, healthcare reform was once again a low priority. The government established a policy that would make the federal government responsible for sick poor. Many people in 1950’s can no longer afford health care insurance, especially those who do not work. The price of hospital care doubled. President Johnson signs Medicare and Medicaid into law. During the 60’s, more than 700 insurance companies are selling health insurance. During the 1980’s Medicare begins charging insurance by the diagnosis and not the treatment of the patient. Technology, vaccinations, medications, and a rise in hospital expenses raise healthcare costs tremendously. Medicare’s high expenditure rates and rapid inflation of the economy also affected the higher cost of healthcare. Health care has seen many changes over the past years, but all the changes have created the health care system and the economics of the system to this point. As the gross domestic product (GDP) , which is the total market of healthcare, started to increase annually, the private sectors of healthcare, government controlled entities, and insurance companies profit and change policies, which in turn increases the (GDP). An increase in population, aging population and communicable diseases such as Hepatitis, HIV, AIDS, and Tuberculosis has increased the cost of health care even in recent years. Small deductibles, low copayments, and employer-based healthcare insurance have molded the idea in many patients’ minds that the patient should use medical services often to â€Å"get what they pay for. † This has created an imbalance of supply and demand. There are numerous reports that there is a shortage of providers. Rapid training of Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners are being educated and trained to help fill the gap of the numerous amounts of patients that need medical attention. The elasticity in health care has forced changes to be made in healthcare billing and insurance. The increased amounts of patients that need medical attention have increased the amount of providers needed. The increased costs of healthcare, technology, research, drugs, and lack of funds available for Medicare have forced a price increase for patients. Many employers find it more difficult to provide costly insurance to employees. Elasticity of services might normally demand a decrease in price, but prices have been inelastic in nature. Elasticity can also have a direct impact on when the government intervenes to set a fair price for services according to Tutor2U (2006). The insurance companies play a huge role in determining the amount of money that is needed for medical care. Supply and demand differ so greatly in the health care community than any other service or industry, making supply and demand a very different story than simply buying milk or a computer. Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with the economy as a whole, such as unemployment rates, deflation and inflation. Microeconomics deals with the insurance companies and other health care related aspects that are affected by the economy fall into a more specific category known as microeconomics. As the whole economy changes, families, patients and individuals must choose to make decisions based on the economy. Healthcare decisions within communities and household are examples of microeconomics. As advances in healthcare are introduced, government regulations are introduced and the economy faces multiple challenges in the future, healthcare will likely see more changes to come. How to cite History of Healthcare and Economics, Papers

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Strategic Human Resource Management - Pepsi Cola International

Questions: 1. Choose two organizations of your choice and explain the importance of Strategic Human Resource Management in the chosen organizations. - Unilever- Pepsi Cola International 1.1 Explain the importance of strategic human resource management in organizations? Does The Intricacy of The Topic Intimidate You? Tame Your Fear with Unmatched Assignment Help Services from Professional Writers. 2. Case studySiemens is a 150-years old German company, but its not the company it was even a few years ago. Until recently, Siemens focused on producing electrical products. Today the firm has diversified into software, engineering, and services, and is also global, with over 400.000 employees working in 190 countries. In other words, Siemens became a world leader by pursuing a corporate strategy that emphasized diversifying into high tech products and services, and doing so on a global basis. its a corporate strategy like that, human resources management plays a big role at Siemens .Sophisticated engineering and services require more focus on employee selection, training, and compensation than in the average firm, and globalization requires delivering these services globally. Siemens sums up the basic themes of its HR strategy in several points. A living Company is learning Company: The high tech nature of Siemenss business means that employees must be able to learn on a continuing basis. Siemens uses its system of combined classroom and hands on apprenticeship training around the world to help facilitate this .It also offers employees extensive continuing education and management development. Global teamwork is the key to developing and using all the potential of the firms human resources. Because it is so important for employees throughout Siemens to feel free to work together and interact, employees have to understand the whole process, not just bits and pieces. To support this .Siemens provides extensive training and development. It also ensures that all employees feel theyre part of a strong unifying corporate identity .For example, HR uses cross border, cross cultural experiences as prerequisites for career advances. A climate of mutual respect is the basis of all relationships-within the company and with society .Siemens contends that the wealth of nationalities, cultures, languages, and outlooks represented by its employees is one of its most valuable assets .It therefore engages in numerous .HR activities aimed at building openness, transparency, and fairness, and supporting diversity. 3. Analyse the business factors that underpin human resource planning in an organization and assess the human resource requirements in a given situation in the chosen organization. 4. Based on the identifications, develop a human resource plan for the organization and Critically evaluate how a human resources plan can contribute to meeting an organizations objectives. 5. Explain the purpose of human resource management policies of the chosen organizations .6. Analyse the impact of regulatory requirements on human resource policies in your chosen organizations. 7. Explain the organizational structure of your chosen organization and analyse its impact on management of human resources.8. Explain the organizational culture of your chosen organization and analyse its impact on the management of human resources. 9. Examine how the effectiveness of human resources management is monitored in your chosen organization. 10. Make justified recommendations to improve the effectiveness of human resources management in your chosen organization. Answers: Part 1 Introduction Strategic human resource management is often termed as SHRM or strategic HRM. SHRM is regarded as managing the human resources to provide a framework. The framework is to support the business on a long term basis to achieve business goals as well as outcomes. SHRM is designed in such a way so as to help the companies in order to meet the requirements of the employees of the organization. It also seeks to achieve the company goals while meeting the needs of the employees. Basically human resource management involves the benefits of the employees, hiring, training, firing and even administration (Armstrong, 2008). SHRM on the other hand is managing the people proactively. It needs the company to think ahead and to plan ways by which the company can meet the demand and needs of the employees. SHRM can be broadly divided into two types. The first one consists of the works that is concerned with the seeking and identification, so that the features of the organization can be understood. Th e second category of SHRM is less developed than the first. It is focused on ideas underpinning prevalent practices rather than the process involving staff management (Rothwell, Graber McCormick, 2012). The SHRM of the two companies that is Unilever and Pepsico is vividly summarized in this paper. Shrm Strategies Of Unilever Overview Unilever is a multinational FMCG company that was incorporated in September 1929 by a soap maker of Britain named Lever Brothers and margarine producer of Dutch origin called Margarine Unie. The company now operates in many countries of the world. The international competitors of the company are Procter Gamble and Nestle. The company has a employee strength of 174,38K people (Macroaxis, 2015) and earns a revenue of about 49.8 billion euro yearly (, 2015). Hr Objectives Of Organization The growth of the organization is their main ambition. The company has a culture and a structure that allows them to win in an environment which is fast changing. For this the company requires the HR team to locate and find the best talents and develop them to become the leaders in the world. It is believed that an organization in which the people are engaged turns out to be very effective. The employees of Unilever are considered to have the potential to be ardent advocates for their products and brands. The HR professionals have the key responsibility to attract fresh talent, create a culture for performance keeping in minds the values and diversity of Unilever (, 2015). Strength And Weakness Of Hr Department Strength: The Unilever Human resource department initiates the environment to change, renew, redefine, restructure and revisit the architecture of the company (Truss, Mankin Kelliher, 2012). The Unilever helps the new recruited members to prepare for managerial posts within two years of joining as conducted in UFLP (unilevers future leaders programme). Unilever at some countries provides the agile approach, which is about the work flexibility which states that an employee can work at anytime, anywhere (depending on the job profile) Weakness: Unilever considers the importance of constantly improving employees safety precautions, as work place accident rates are comparatively high. Employee Empowerment Unilever considers the employee empowerment to make the employees act as the sustainability head because the living plans sustainability. Unilever challenges the choice that corporate world has to make to choose between business growth and sustainability. They want to make sustainability as a vital part of their employees job. Unilever has far reaching objectives to improve the health of not only the employees but also for the consumers. (Ehnert, 2009). Unilever faces fresh competition with changing environment, and various developments in management policy. Thus the company goes by the holistic approach. Recruitment And Selection The recruitment and selection policy is sometimes outsourced by the Unilever recruitment administration. Their rationale is to hire employees who are focused on those aspects where they can add value. The recruitment process is done in Campus, in certain target cities for focused markets. They also prefer internal references (, 2015). The selection process starts with motivational screening and CV, followed by aptitude test online. Sometimes the telephonic interviews are also done but that is for managerial job profile. Training Development The objective of training and development for Unilever aims to enhance 1) General Skill: the general skills training in Unilever offers catalogue where a trainee can learn from classroom learning, virtual classroom learning and e learning.2) Professional skills: each department has their respective learning, like the Unilever Marketing Academy develops academy for marketers at every level.3) Leadership skills: Unilever provides their trainees leadership programmes of high potential. Unilever mainly has three types of training- they are- local on-boarding, development program and mentoring. In order to evaluate Unilever has their own way of estimating the training results (, 2015). Compensation Benefits Unilever has their personalized on line total reward system. The remuneration system is specifically designed to support the implementation of their strategy and their business vision. The fixed elements are the basic salary, fixed allowance and other benefits. Along with these the variable compensation also gets included. They are long term MCIP, long term GSIP and Annual bonus. The variable pay is made in order to improve the performance of the employees. Unilever also considers acknowledging success by considering the performance quality. Performance Appraisal Unilever believes that potential, performance and professionalism are significant considering have inference on their performance appraisal system. Thus for this reason the company introduced a system that explicitly involves considerable scope for salary increments for employees who shows sustainable quality performance. Earlier Unilever use to follow the last years report of appraisal system but soon they discovered the emergency of introducing some new concepts of performance evaluation and appraisal. There are some organizations that strictly follow development by training and performance setting targets. But in Unilever model of performance appraisal sets a leveled status (Kandula, 2006). Shrm Strategies Of PepsiCo Overview In 1890s Pepsi-Cola was created by Caleb Bradham an N.C pharmacist. PepsiCo Inc was established through the amalgamation of Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay (2009 Trade Ideas, 2015). Pepsi is a fizzy soft drink like Coca Cola that was initially introduced in the name Brands Drink. Today PepsiCo is served around the world and its present net income is US$ 6.74 billion. The strategic human resource management at PepsiCo implements strategies that contribute in innovation and expansion. The executives believe that employees dedication to the strategic principle leads to companys success (Gitman McDaniel, 2008). There are many factors that help in planning Strategic Human Resource management, they are discussed below. Hr Objectives Of Organization Pepsi considers the power of steady improvement, and the goals change from added day to day operations, pursuing and adopting latest technologies and other advances and compromise with the changes in the external environment where the company governs. The HR professionals are responsible to create a mutual and encouraging work environment that encourages their employee for their increase in productivity. They motivate the employees by making them participate in business decision-making by building a team of expertise of their profession. The Reward systems are operated according to the business strategy of PepsiCo, and that helps employees to develop their performance. HR objectives of PepsiCo: Welfare of the employees. Provide leadership and guidance to employees in every task. Opportunities of career development for employees. To provide through training of employees worldwide. Providing proper orientation to trainees of PepsiCo. The clear and updated data maintaining of PepsiCo in HRIS. To lower the employee turnover ratio and retain those whom the company considers as assets (Cummings Worley, 2015). Strength And Weakness Of Hr Department Strengths: The HR personnels are highly qualified (Alsever, 2014). Janine Waclawski, Vice president Human Resource at PepsiCo is a graduate from Columbia University This means that the decision making are authentic and there are very poor chances of having any flaw in HR operations. PepsiCo provides sufficient amount of acquiring knowledge from sources both inside and outside. They help to improve and enhance the knowledge about the company and others. They also prefer new employees to increase their efficiency by motivation and encouragement. Weakness: Missplanning has been a vital failure for the HR, as the employees dont get ample opportunity to participate equally in decision making. Certain ethical guidelines require to be maintained. Employee Empowerment In PepsiCo by employee empowerment they mean the freedom to think and act the way the employees feel like. PepsiCo also embrace people of diverse culture and backgrounds that encourage cooperative outcomes, innovations and new perspective into the workplace. It also helps in identifying new market opportunities (Fernandez and Moldogaziev, 2013). PepsiCo depends on mutual respect; it requires employees who have the ability of working as a team or informal collaborating. PepsiCo also provides ESOP for their employees for retention. Recruitment And Selection PepsiCo applies both external and internal recruitment methods. The main priority is given generally to the internal only if the employees have the required capabilities of the working post. Any employee can refer any potential and competent person if the referred person satisfies the criteria of reference. The one referred receives a bonus. The recruitment policy starts with the application screening where it requires details of qualification and majorly real evidence of experience where possible. Then it is followed by online test of logical, reasoning and numerical tests in English. The interview is being taken in local and English verbally. The aim of the interview is to understand about the candidate and his or her career goals. And finally the last but not the least is Assessment centre, where the candidate has to go through three core activities will be there games, panel interviews and case studies (Suntory PepsiCo, 2015). Training Development PepsiCo along with its subsidiaries are considered to have a great training is considered to have great training grounds for top people supervisors. Pepsi is popular for training sufficient human resource executives that it has been able to create its own brand identity in its field (, 2015). The PepsiCo training and development policy differs from that of their competitors. It provides on-the-job training that gives the employees a scope of developing according to the job requirement. The employees are trained in two ways. The employees are also trained with the help of external sources. Training in the form of workshops; classroom training and seminars are conducted by hiring foreign facilitators. The facilitator evaluates the effectiveness of training and makes a follow-up. Compensation Benefits PepsiCos compensation program included the basic salary, long term and short term incentive awards for executive officers. There are two types of benefit plans: nonqualified and qualified. The objective is to provide retirement benefits(, 2015). Awards are made on EIC plan which are majorly target oriented. Payments are not paid if minimum targets are not achieved. Performance Appraisal The jobs under PepsiCo are evaluated yearly and with 360 degree method. The skilled and potential employees are rewarded by promotions, annual holidays, bonus and increments. Surveys and questionnaires are also made through which the behavior of the employees and the personality of the employees are analyzed. After evaluation, the unsatisfied employees are taken care of. If the attitude still continues then they are fired or demoted (Catapano, 2005). Conclusion In this era of competitive nature in Global Business, the main reason of competition is about focusing in innovation and creation of value. SHRM not only helps to achieve the targets but of a company but also helps in increasing the level of productivity of employees. Through this case Study one thing can be stated that no matter how different the SHRM for PepsiCo International and Unilever is the basic objective remains same. The employee retention, setting a proper environment and motivation acts as the key elements to an effective SHRM (Greene, 2015). Hence, it can be concluded that the HR department has a huge responsibility for aligning the strategies of human resource in context with the Organization. Part 2 2. Introduction Developing human resources is all about helping the employees in fulfilling their work. Development is not just about fulfilling the work instead it is all encouraging the employees in various ways to develop their career and also different aspects of their working conditions. Siemens is committed towards its employees. The key success pillar strategy of Siemens is to motivate, develop and manage all its employees through corporate responsibility, excellence operational services and performance. This section provides a brief understanding of SHRM (Strategic Human Resource Management) process of Siemens and analyzes the various practices, procedures and process utilized. The following table explains the organizational structure of Siemens Figure: 1 the segments of SIEMENS Figure 2: the organizational Structure of Siemens 3. Purpose Of Strategic Human Resource Management Presently, Siemens which is 150 years old German based organization employs around 400,000 employees in 190 countries. Initially the organization focused on just producing electrical products but presently it has diversified into various services like engineering, software etc. The main reason behind such diversification is good strategic human resource management. The basic purpose of Siemens Strategic Human Resource Management is as follows: To determine the outflow and inflow of employees by using strategies in workflow. Siemens HR department keeps a check on the work count by evaluation of performance. To check the qualification of the employees. Siemens hires employees with good work experience, high qualification and efficient skills. To check the gap between the specific job and the required skills both in terms of quantity and quality. To look after necessary requirements of the employees: This is one of the compulsive jobs that Siemens follows, in order to keep their employees satisfied and productive. Apart from these Designing better jobs, staffing talented candidates, developing skills of employees, better quality customer service and building teams have helped Siemens to improve their performance. Siemens have further understood the need of human behavior, knowledge of various systems that helped the organization to attain the strategic objectives. This shows that the main purpose of SHRM in Siemens is to develop strategic capability by making sure that the organization has well motivated, engaged and skilled employees for attaining competitive advantage to sustain. This shows that the SHRM mainly integrates the strategic needs of the firm with the human resources and the HR practices are aligned according to the capabilities and demand of the employees and line managers in Siemens. In Unilever the HR strategy works for the same purpose. For every organization the labor productivity is the ultimate say. Unilever also follows the method of evaluation, appraisal system and compensation system as per their MCIP and GSIP system. Contribution Of Strategic Human Resource Management Based on the information provided in the case study, the SHRM have contributed effectively towards Siemens by helping them to make better organizational outcomes and also improving their workforce behavior and competencies. This SHRM has supported Siemens to develop value based products through good quality service and innovation. In the year 2011, Siemens had developed 10 value based products that are easy to use, timely to market, affordable, reliable and maintenance-friendly. These products have been targeted to various sectors like industrial applications, power distribution, aviations, healthcare etc (, 2011). The SHRM process has further helped Siemens to maintain high standard employee management through competitive employee recruitment and selection, training them to develop their career, motivating them and also their unfair HR policies. Then, the teamwork management has also supported them to utilize the potentialities of human resource of the firm. This has en couraged them to improve the interaction process within the organization and successfully understand the overall process of the firm. Additional, Siemens have created a strong unifying corporate identity through diversified workforce. Therefore, the SHRM process have contributed towards developing value based products, team work management, diversified workforce, and learning environment through training and development. In organizations like Unilever the strategic human resource management helps is team building to a great extent. Unilever firmly believes in team work and they give credits for the progress of the company to group work. The Strategic Human Resource policies also help in monitoring the progress. As the strategic vision of Unilever to reach its goals, of attaining profit along with social responsibility, Strategic Human Resource Management helps to evaluate on a regular basis to monitor their progress. The Human Resource functions and the executives are repetitively monitoring to identify the problems the employees and the organization is facing. The Strategic Human Resource Management also has to look after the legal matters of Unilever, because it helps in reduce legal and worker issues. The Organizational culture: Siemens is considered to be a amiable and released workplace where the employees can expect a continuous work support from the superiors, colleagues and subordinates. They support new ideas an d open thoughts. The competitive base salaries help the employees for a competitive environment. Siemens also considers life-integration gravely. They encourage flexible plans for timings and they support good quality of work life. Different Business Factors For Human Resource Planning The Human Resources planning in an organization is mainly influenced by various external factors. As an organization functions in an environment that is mainly bounded through various factors, it is mainly bound to comply with those factors. The factors include (Saiyadain, 2009, p- 64-66): Technological Change: The planning process for human resources is not a static plan instead it is necessary to continually update the process and there are different factors that have to be updated constantly, and it is only possible when it is a realistic assessment. Thus, there is a need of automatic controls that can handle the human process effectively and can change the skills needed and also reduce the issues related to skills. Economic Factors: The fluctuations of the environment of the business are also imponderable factors. The factors related to the fluctuation of the demand and supply of a product in the organization can easily be measured. The result of transfer curtailment, import restrictions, taxation policies of the government have a strong impact on the organization. The business cycle transformation for example, setting recession and also change in the manpower demand also drastically changes the HR planning. Further predicted job shortages can sometimes lead to surplus in jobs. Social Factors: Social factors like under-employment and unemployment also determines the HR planning. The planning mainly focuses on increasing the employment opportunities and also determines the pressure from public opinion. Further, referring a near relation also determines the selection form of the organization. This helps to determine the security of the existing employees. This also increases the commitment of the present employees. Governmental Influences: The government plays a vital role in stimulating the organization so as to systematically plan their manpower resources. The government makes projections according to the demand and supply of different skill categories like managers and supervisors within the given time. Using the data the organization need to develop their plan for personnel and also skills categories. Human Resource Requirements Based on the above four factors; government, technological, economic and social, Siemens need to focus on their human resource requirements. This human resource planning would help to fully utilize the potential and existing workforce of the organization. Therefore, Siemens need to (Martin, 2009): Recognize the requirements of the personnel: The organization need to determine the experience, knowledge and skill of the personnel. Defining the number of staff and their requirement would help to satisfy their needs effective and also make sure the reservoir of the human resources exits whenever needed. Counterbalancing the change and insecurity: Siemens need to properly utilize both the non-human and human resources. Sometimes, it might find adequate or sometimes inadequate resources; therefore, it needs to plan effectively for the changes or the uncertainties (Khurana, Khurana and Sharma, 2009). Checking the imbalance in labor supply: Siemens need to anticipate the surpluses and shortages of manpower. Surplus may lead to under-utilization of the resources and shortages may lead to improper utilization. Thus counter balancing before it gets expensive and unmanageable. Right sizing the future requirements: Siemens need to constantly need to emphasize on rightly sizing the organization. In some cases the organization can find that the post is vacant due to promotion, death, accidents, retirement or resignation. Thus, in that case there is a constant need for replacing the people. This would make sure that the resources are rightly placed at the right time, right number and in a right kind. Meeting the diversification or expansion needs: Siemens need to execute future plans related to modernization, diversification, expansion and make sure that the employees meet the needs of the organization. 4. Human Resource Plan The HR planning of Siemens starts with the Job specification and description at Siemens. Taking an example of Field Telecoms Engineer Technical Support Engineer at Siemens, the job description and job specification is as shown below: Job Description: Give technical and telephone support Provide better professional and quality installation of cabling Working in maintenance and installation projects in fields to meet the expectation of the customers Ensuring the needs of the customers are met Job Specification: Minimum 5 years experience in cable installation Strong knowledge of PABX telecom, along with Business phone systems and VOIP, IVM, OAK Supply and demand forecasting Siemens need to use the workforce planning methodology to find out the outflow or influx rate of employees in the organization. This process would help to check the existing skills of the present employees and also decide on the need of training to develop the employees. This process would help to identify the skill gap among employee skills and job. Recruitment and Selection The recruitment and selection process of Siemens can follow the following activities: Online Application: The candidate can apply through as per the vacancy provided based on their experience, qualification and skills. Then the recruitment team needs to review the application. Telephonic Interview: If the candidate meets the required criteria then she/he can be contacted for telephonic discussion to know about their previous experience, responsibilities and roles. Aptitude Test: Siemens then can arrange an aptitude test for the selected candidates from the first round to determine the suitability and ability of the candidate. The aptitude mainly includes the verbal reasoning, numeric reasoning, questionnaires related to occupational personality. Personal Interview: The employee needs to face one-on-one interview at Siemens after qualifying the aptitude test. The main aim of this process is to understand the competencies, skills and experience of the candidate in the required field and also understand its suitability in Siemens. Background and Reference Check: Siemens need to properly check the references after getting approval from the candidate. Training and Development On the Job Training: It is all about training the employees inside the organization throughfollowing process: Job Rotation- To broaden the employees skills, Siemens need to permit the employees to work in various other departments for short time. This would help them to get new skills. Coaching- Siemens need to create a framework in which the senior staffs can help the new employees to work effectively Mentoring- Here the senior personnel need to understand the issues that the trainees are facing and can help them to overcome those issues. Shadowing- The HR team of Siemens need to help the new employees by providing a colleague to watch their work and train them during any kind of mistakes. Off the Job Training: Induction Training: This helps the new employees to get basic information about the organization and is generally trained on the responsibilities they have to carry in their role and also make the new employees feel welcomed by introducing them with the existing employee. Apprenticeships: This program is mainly aimed for school leavers, but wants to earn money for sustaining in life. This process mainly trains the people under IT and engineering skills for improving their communication skills and also ability to work. Siemens Graduate Program (SGP): This is a two years course that mainly requires the participants to develop their skills in human resources, manufacturing and marketing. Performance Appraisal In Siemens the line managers and their subordinates agree to various objectives before starting their job and then the subordinates performance is monitored formally and informally from the beginning itself. This makes the managers of Siemens to focus on the different requirements of the employees and address their issues. Then, the performance results are discussed with the employees annually and the feedback provided helps them to develop objectives. People with versatile experience are more acquainted to the appraisal system. There are specific systems for appraising and these processes are sometimes done poorly that they concludes in failing in design, for a negative experience faced by both the employees and the managers. Some organization does this to makes sure that their employees are working properly whereas, some organizations does that on an obligatory basis. Compensation and benefits The remuneration at Siemens is tailored based on the business strategy. The continuous remuneration makes sure that the strategic targets of the organization are achieved. Thus, Siemens focuses on both fixed and variable pay package. Then Siemens mainly maintains the pension plans and also provides fringe benefits like promotion. Contribuition Of Hr Plan The above HR plan makes the organization to succeed in this competitive world. The HR practitioners who would plan the program would help the Organization to oversee its staff deliberately. The plan supports to direct the activities of HR division. The plan not only aid the organization just, however it will likewise encourage the profession arranging of the representatives and help them to attain to the destinations also. This expands inspiration and Siemens would turn into a decent work environment. HR Planning structures an essential part of information system of management. It changes to the workforce compositions that compel chiefs to pay consideration on HR arranging. The progressions in creation of workforce impact the arrangement of staff, as well as likewise the procedures for choice, preparing, pay and inspiration. 5. Purpose Of Hrm Policies The standard protocol of HR is to construct different procedures and policies for an organization, as it is solely responsible for keeping the employment matters according to the philosophy of the organization. Therefore, the main purpose of HR policies in Siemens is to define the rules, roles and also different consequences and behavior and also give the employees various tools to do their work effectively. HR procedures and policies give work environment structure. Absence of certain policies, for example, disciplinary activity, working hours, performance rules and reviews concerning safety of the workers, the workplace could be turbulent. HR divisions give a feeling of structure also. For instance, policies of HR department concerning plan regularly are matters tended to by HR initiative, for example, supports for extra allocations and estimation for rate of profitability in HR activities (Gill and Meyer, 2011). HR procedures and policies help with equal job opportunity in giving fair treatment to candidates and workers all through the employing methodology and the work experience. For instance, for an association that doesn't distribute its EEO policies, for example, worker rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the rules for its enlistment and choice procedure would be dim, best case scenario. HR policies and procedures can help in the examination of HR practices and general business practices.HR procedures and policies are the useful components of an association's key arrangement, significance the strategies are the steps important to accomplish vital objectives. However, HR procedures and policies serve the essential role of reclassifying HR strategic advancement and the heading of the association. Through a survey of the organization's HR procedures and policies, administration groups that create key maps for the organization realize what lives up to expectations and what doesn't work concerning HR procedures and the workplace (Guest, P aauwe and Wright, 2012). 6. Impact Of Regulatory Requirements The HR requirement policies like employment responsibilities and rights, data protection, contractual terms, discrimination, equality are mainly regulated by strategic human resource management. The regulatory work of SHRM in various sections of business strategy of Siemens is shown below (Walsh, 2007): Legal framework for pay: The right payroll system of human resources mainly falls under the Wages Act of the payment of 1936, Bonus Act of the payment of 1965, Equal Remuneration Act of 1976. Legal framework for discrimination: The HR department of Siemens is responsible to maintain fair rights for all genders. The rules of cultural and sex discrimination falls under Employment rights Act 1996, Sex discrimination Act 1995/ 1997. Legal framework for responsibilities and rights of employment: For maintain the rights and responsibilities of the employees in Siemens, it is necessary for the HR department to understand the Workmens Compensation Act 1923, Factories Act 1948, Employees State Insurance Act 1948, Employees Provident Fund Act 1952, Maternity Benefit Act 1961 and Payment of Gratuity Act 1972. This regulatory framework makes sure that equal payment is paid to women and man equally and also proper promotion, recruitment is followed with no gender or cultural discrimination. 7. Impact Of An Organizational Structure A companys growth makes an impact on an organizational structure. The structure sets the climate, the system of an organization. This helps the people to work in a habitual basis. Various literatures show that the organization structure is based on the objectives and goals of the organization. The chosen structure of organization actually sometimes facilitates or hampers the pursuit of an organization. According to Clemmer (2003), organization structure shapes organizations performance. However, Johari and Yahya (2009) additionally adds that the organization structure not only shapes the performance but also shapes the processes and competency of the organization. Siemens mainly follows the matrix organization structure (, 2013). This matrix structure thus helps the Siemens to be more efficient and flexible compared to other structures. Due to this matrix structure, the organization quickly determines about its necessary capital (Kuprenas, 2003). This organization structure is helping Siemens to work like an information web that is data is channeled both horizontally and vertically as people can exchange financial information, marketing information and technical knowledge. The matrix organization structure develops adept management in Siemens which makes the top management to make effective decision and more involved towards everyday activities of the organization (Galbraith, 2009). 8. Impact Of An Organizational Culture Organizational culture is the schemes and shared knowledge developed by particular people for responding, expressing, perceiving, interpreting to the social realities (Silverthorne, 2004). Siemenss organizational culture is to offer favorable condition to all the employees in the organization, encouraging collaboration for effective team work, following diverse culture in the organization, learning based environment and satisfying the clients with better service and products. The key success of the organization is to follow a strategic direction that helps to achieve the identified plans and goals properly and communicate properly with all the members to build a bridge among the managers and the subordinates (, 2015). This organizational culture is creating a living phenomenon that helps employees to collaboratively develop the organization in a better way. The working environment of Siemens is surrounded with beautiful culture that shapes the processes and job relationship in the organization. Therefore, it is helping the organization to solve the issues due to external factors and also internal integration by developing a shared pattern (Aydin and Ceylan, 2009). 9. Monitoring Hrm Process In order to monitor the effectiveness of HRM process, Siemens need to focus on two different levels. At micro level Siemens need to carry out career planning for all the employees and also succession planning for organizations positions and at macro level the organization should focus on workforce planning. Further, to assess the HR functions, Siemens can use the various metrics throughout the control process (, 2010). This would help to exercise control over the costs and quality. Siemens can also use the quantitative tools like benefit-to-cost ratio to measure the training activities and monitor the job-impact. Further, the levels of attrition rate can be assessed by measuring the retention rate and turnover rate of the employees periodically by comparing the past data with the industry average. In this way Siemens can reflect on the effective designs, long-term planning, weakness and strengths and also empowerment of human capital (Noe and Noe, 2012). 10. Recommendation For Improvement The following recommendations would help Siemens to do better in future: Use the opportunities: Siemens cal provide security, communication technology, healthcare provisions and media at the time of emergency. Training the employees in advance would help to use the opportunities. Increasing incentives and pay scale: Siemens should increase the incentive and pay scale compared to other competitors in the market. This would create value for the employees and they would be committed towards the organization. This would help to reduce the recruitment cost and also save the cost of the organization. Balancing dissatisfies against the motivators: Siemens need to understand the issues that the employees are facing and addressing their needs would help to decrease the dissatisfaction level. Understanding the changing need can help to stimulate the engineers to work effectively. Conclusion: As the study suggests Siemens is a learning company. The advanced technological nature of Siemenss business refers that human resources must be able to be trained on an ongoing basis. Siemens applies its system of collective classroom and stress on apprenticeship training worldwide, to assist in facilitating this .It also presents employees wide enduring management and educational development. The Global teamwork is the input to mounting and with the help of all the latent of the firms human resources. Because it is very significant for employees of Siemens to feel liberate to work together and act together, employees have to comprehend the entire process, not just parts and pieces. To support this .Siemens provides extensive training and development. It also ensures that all employees feel that theyre a division of a strong amalgamating corporate uniqueness .For example, HR uses cross cultural, cross border knowledge as requirements for career progress. A climate of shared respect i s the foundation of all relationships-within the Siemens and with society .Siemens argues that the nationalities wealth, outlooks, languages and culture symbolized by its people is among its most precious assets .Therefore Siemens engages their employees in numerous ways .thus HR policies are aimed at structuring openness towards the company. Hence Strategic Human Resource Management is important for an organization for its smooth running. The progress of a business depends on the strategies that an effective Human Resource Department implements. Human beings are the driving force behind the operations of an organization. Due to this fact, strategic human resource management cannot over emphasize in an organization. A well-planned and well-thought strategic human resource must implement ideas that will benefit not only the organization but also the society. A good strategic Human resource management delivers a good relationship between the workers and its organizations. It is responsible to see whether the employees are performing their necessary duties efficiently. The department is also responsible to carry out required steps for recruiting ideal people for respective vacancy. Strategic Human Resource Management also participates in the decision of setting the short-term and the long-term goals. References 2009 Trade Ideas, I. (2015).Pepsi Store - History of the Birthplace of Retrieved 13 February 2015, from Alsever, J. (2014).Objective: Hire toptalent.Fortune. Retrieved 13 February 2015, from Armstrong, M. (2008).Strategic human resource management. London: Kogan Page. Aydin, B. and Ceylan, A. (2009). The role of organizational culture on effectiveness. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Feb. 2015]. Catapano, S. (2005). Performance Appraisal: From Isolation to Interaction. PsycCRITIQUES, 50(28). Clemmer, J. (2003). 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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Media Interpretation of Harry Potter and Sexuality

Media interpretation of Harry Potter fantasy novels differs greatly from Joanne Rowling’s books. One of the most noticeable issues is sexuality. Those people, who have read these novels, know that this topic is not at the main focus, while the movie producers as well as actors clearly explore sexuality to appeal to the viewers. In part, it can be explained by their desire to attract a larger audience.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Media Interpretation of Harry Potter and Sexuality specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are several examples that show how film-makers capitalize on sex and gender roles. First, one should mention that official trailer of the last sequel features Ginny Weasley (played by Bonnie Wright) and Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) kissing one another. More importantly Ginny is portrayed as a mature woman rather than as a teenage girl. This portrayal is supposed to create an ap peal to adolescents or adults, rather than children. It should be noted that this scene take only several seconds, but it eloquently shows that the creators of this film did not overlook people’s desire for intimacy and sex. This is one of the details catches the eye of the viewers, especially those ones, who are aged above fifteen. Another example of sexuality is portrayal of Hogwarts students. Joanne Rowling continuously mentions that her characters wear robes which conceal figure of a person. These clothes are gender-neutral, and they can be equally suitable for men and women. However, the directors of Harry Potter do not agree with Rowling’s perception of Hogwarts students. This argument is particularly important when we are speaking about female characters like Hermione or Ginny. The movie producers make them wear tight jeans, sweaters, low-necked dresses, and so forth. This change proves that desexualized novel was not suitable for the needs of mass media. This t rend emerged in the third sequel Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and continued in later films. Thus, it is possible to argue that this emphasis on sexuality is an attempt to attract adults’ attention to these movies. Certainly, this change may not be noticeable to children, but an experienced viewer can see this difference very clearly.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition to that, there are several sexual innuendos in these films; the most notorious one is the scene featuring Harry and Hermione kissing one another in nude. Certainly, it is very blurred and viewers can hardly see the actors but it is a clear reference to sexual desires of adult audience. It should be mentioned that many parents feel very concerned about this scene because it is not appropriate for a children film, and it was not present in the book (Wall, unpaged). This erot ic scene clearly violates those standards which are normally set for children movies. Again, one can hardly imagine Joanne Rowling including such a description in her novel. In the majority of cases, mass media always aim to serve popular demand, and this Harry Potter film was not an exception. It should be borne in mind that those people, who take interest in Joanne Rowling’s novels, are normally aged between seven and fifteen, while this film series, especially later sequels, are intended for a much wider audience. This is the main reason why sexuality plays more prominent part in them. The key issue is that this change is driven mostly by commercial rather than artistic considerations. There are some other sexual innuendos in this film serious. One of the examples is Bellatrix Lestrange played by Helena Bonham Carter. Some scholars and critics believe that this female character is full of desire for Voldemort (Rana, 86). Her portrayal in the film is even more sexual, and t o some extent, she symbolizes female submission to male. This meaning was not implied by Joanne Rowling in her books. Apart from that, it should be pointed out that in the fifth film of the series Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, she urged Harry to use force against her. Again, if one tries to look for sexual innuendos, this scene can signify male domination over women. Thus, one can argue that media interpretation of Harry Potter books places much more stress on sexuality than the author does. This explicit sexuality is intended primarily to male rather than female adults who may take interest in this film. It has to be admitted that some of the sexual innuendos can be unintended but they would have been impossible if the film-makers had wanted to appeal only to children.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Media Interpretation of Harry Potter and Sexuality specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Certainly, one cannot expect screen adaptation of the novel cannot completely coincide with the text. However, the examples that we have discussed demonstrate that desexualized portrayal of characters was rejected by movie producers and mass media. One should take into account that Joanne Rowling conceived this book series as a Bildungsroman describing psychological and moral development of the characters. In contrast, film-makers decided to pay more attention to sexuality. Moreover, one should take into consideration that the actors playing the major characters have become mature and film-producers take advantage of this fact. Their sexuality is explored both inside and outside the movies. One may pay attention to the interviews given by Daniel Redcliff, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint. These people no longer appear to be children or adolescents; more likely, they seem to be sexually mature people, who should not be associated only with fictional characters. A person, who is watching their pre -release interviews, does not think that the final movie of the sequel is intended for child audience. These interviews convey specific messages to the potential viewers and one of them is that Harry Potter and the Death Hallows will be of some interest to adults. If we speak about the actor’s reliance on the sexuality, we should mention their participation in various commercial projects. For instance, Emma Watson represented such fashion house as Burberry and, in fact, became the face of their new collection (Topping, unpaged). Moreover, she appeared on the cover of such magazines as Vanity Fair, Cosmopolitan, and People. In each of these cases, sexuality was at the forefront. The same thing can be said about Daniel Radcliffe, who exploited his sexuality while performing in the play called Equus (Wiegand, unpaged). Those movie producers, designers, and advertisers, who make these actors exploit their sexuality, understand that these actors are familiar to a great number of p eople from all over the world, and that their overt hyper- sexuality can attract very large target audience, especially those people, whose age ranges between fifteen and twenty two. The thing is that during these years people pass through a period of pubescence and sexuality is a very important part of their lives.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These cases suggest that eroticism can be used to engage the viewers. This is one of the possible explanations but it is not the only one. One should not assume that their performance outside Harry Potter is only driven by commercial interests. In this way, they try to prove to others and to themselves that they are able to play mature and rather complex roles. To some degree, Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson attempt to demonstrate that they can be successful actors outside Harry Potter film series. By exploiting their sexuality, they break stereotype that links them only on Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. This can be one of the motives which underlie their behavior. Overall, people focus their attention on the overt sexuality of these actors because they are accustomed to their idealized and slightly childish characters. Viewers are not used to their new roles and this might be one of the reasons why many people can be so concerned about their behavior. On the whole, these examp les indicate that media representation of Harry Potter books strongly relies on sexuality. As it has been identified in the previous sections there are several reasons for such an interpretation. First of all, film-makers want to make Harry Potter film series more attractive to adult audience. Secondly, overt sexuality can be accounted by the fact that majority of actors have grown much older, and they try to break out of child roles. The most important thing is that this film series is not fully suitable for child audience. By comparing and contrasting screen adaptation of the novels and the text itself one can see how mass media transforms popular perception of adolescence and sexuality. Works Cited Rana Marion. Creating magical worlds: otherness and othering in Harry Potter. NY: Peter Lang, 2009. Print. Topping. A. â€Å"Emma Watson is named Hollywood’s highest paid female actor†. The Guardian, 2010. Web. Wall Cleon. â€Å"’Potter’ scene is worrying s ome families†. Deseret News. 2010. Web. Wiegand Chris. â€Å"Radcliffe to star on Broadway†. The Guardian 2009. Web. Yates David. â€Å"The Official Trailer of Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Part Two† Warner Bros. Pictures. Web. This research paper on Media Interpretation of Harry Potter and Sexuality was written and submitted by user Viviana Hess to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.