Saturday, August 31, 2019

“A Noiseless Patient Spider”

In Whitman’s â€Å"A Noiseless Patient Spider,† the speaker uses imagery to describe how he is studying a spider explore and work hard to fill an empty space by â€Å"Launch’d forth filament out of itself, ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them† (lines 4-5) in the first stanza. In the second stanza Whitman compares how a human can also be in an empty space like the spider like the spider trying to explore and connect to something either spiritually or personally. Another outlook using a Historical perspective you can see how Whitman compares the spider to the American people during his time and the separation between two different sides.In the first stanza the speaker is observing the spider almost scrutinizing the spider. Whitman uses very descriptive words like â€Å"isolated† (line 2) and â€Å"vacant vast† (Line 3) to show how tiny and small the spider is on the promontory compared to the massive universe making it so small th at it is noiseless. Even though the spider is surrounded by immense empty space it still is a â€Å"patient spider† (line 1) exploring and filling the empty promontory with its web. Even though there is only space around the spider it still tirelessly tries to make a connection to something by shooting out that web.When Whitman says the spider â€Å"launch’d forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself† (line 4) it shows the spider is patient because you get the image of the spider repeatedly shooting out filament trying to fill the vast space of the promontory. The lesson to learn from this spider is to keep patiently moving forward and explore your life no matter how vast or insurmountable the task maybe. In the second stanza the speaker makes a connection with the spider and relates the spider to himself â€Å"and you O my soul where you stand, Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space† (lines 6-7).The speaker feels like the spider in t he fact that his soul is detached from the world around him and he is searching for something to connect to. When Whitman writes â€Å"seeking the spheres to connect them† (line 8) he uses the word spheres which could symbolize either people or a higher power like god, which means the speaker is trying to make a religious connection or a social one with other people. If the speaker is trying to connect to other people the filament or web would symbolize modern day cell phones or the internet hich we use every day to make connections with our friends or family so we don’t feel isolated, but during the time this poem was written it could symbolize bridges and ships that were built to connect separated countries. After looking at it with a biological and historical prospective different idea came to mind.Learning how Whitman lived through the civil war, the soul in the poem that is â€Å"Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing, seeking the spheres to connect them† could symbolize the division and disagreement of the American people during the civil war. Till the gossamer thread you fling catch somewhere, O my soul. † describes how Whitman was waiting for the day that America to come together as a nation of one instead of a nation divided. Going back to how the spider used single filaments to create a web that was one. I chose this poem because I liked the idea of putting single pieces together to create something in harmony that was complete.WORKS CITED DiYanni, Robert. Literature . Sixth Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2007. Print. â€Å"Walt Whitman . † Encyclopedia of World Biography. N. p. , Tuesday, September 21, 2010. Web. 21 Sep 2010. .

Friday, August 30, 2019

History and Song Essay

Amazing Grace is one of the most poignant song that was ever written whose appeal goes beyond its religious origins to encompass the human struggle and has evolved together with history. The song is based on I Chronicles 17:16 on the words of the Hebrew King David regarding his wonder at the selection of his house with God’s favor. Though there are significant theological content the song, its core themes of deliverance and fortitude have extended its appeal to the military, freedom movements, and social justice. The lyrics of the song are attributed to John Newton, a former slave trader who eventually became a minister in the United Kingdom in the 18th century. According to Newton’s accounts, he wrote the song during a violent storm at sea, he advertantly cried out â€Å"Lord, have mercy upon us† (Rogers). Upon reflection later on in his cabin Newton, who barely knew about religion, reflected upon the episode and realized how faith can be a core in an individual without that person being aware of it at all. It became a very popular hymn in Newton’s preaching work but was only published as Amazing Grace in an 1831 hymnal called Virginia Harmony (â€Å"Amazing Grace†). It had been included in the Olney Hymns used by Newton but had various titles given to it if any (Rogers). There were several tunes used for the hymn before it became popularized in the tune we know today. Some speculation regarding the original tune for the hymns have attributed it to African slave chants which Newton may have been familiar with because of his history with the slave trade. Others have cited that its pentatonic meter suggests that it may have had a melody played with bagpipes or Celtic music (â€Å"Amazing Grace†). There is also some suggestion that the modern version of the melody of the song, particularly in its dramatic qualities, can be traced back in the Cherokee adaptation of the song during the Native American removal (â€Å"Words to Amazing Grace†). The harsh trek to the West allowed little opportunity for them to follow traditional burial rights and the song was used instead because of its commonality with Native American theologies on death (â€Å"Trail of Tears†). The song has had several versions and has even become part of popular music with artists such as Judy Collins giving their own interpretation of the song. The song is often performed with one instrument or one type of instruments. The most popular renditions have been with wind instruments particularly bugle, horns, flute and the bagpipe. The instruments may have been chosen because of the ethereal quality of the melody and its message. Most performance of the song generally starts with a light melody that grows in strength and color as the song progresses. In the UK, the song is often played on bagpipes for military salutes that also has been adapted in America particularly for those who have Celtic ancestry (Rogers). The use of the bagpipes however, is actually a recent trend and was popularized through the 1969 film Alice’s Restaurant by Arthur Penn which in turn allowed it to figure in the counter culture issues. (â€Å"Amazing Grace†). During the American Civil War, the song was both used for military right by Union and confederate soldiers. The song’s popularity then was based on its support of the Protestant theology of â€Å"divine grace†. Many American presidents also The identification of the song with freedom and social justice began with its adoption as the Cherokee National Anthem to commemorate the Trail of Tears during the Native American removal. The song became also popular during both World Wars when allied soldiers with sing the song during the services for fallen soldiers. The popularity of the song during the sixties as social justice movements developed from their foundations in gospel movements. From being a song for memoriam, the use became to highlight the suffering from social injustice and became particularly popular with the Black Power Movement. Similar to the Native American use of the song, many black empowerment movements used the song as a thematic representation of the issues concerning social rights and equality. It was used both to express the motivations of the movement as well as provide its moral and religious basis. Some also attribute its significance to the Black Power Movement because of the association to the African Slave Trade through Newton and his subsequent abolitionist stands (â€Å"Amazing Grace†) The song can be expected to continue in its popularity because of its universal themes. The interpretation of the song ranges from deliverance to self-realization. These components allowed it to be adopted into active action as well as in devotional settings. The song has deep sense on enlightenment which is the reason it became popular with social movements. The line, â€Å"Was blind, but now, I see† is a popular theme in many human rights speeches that called fro social action and reform. The song repeatedly shows a dichotomy to how which affects a person. In saying that, â€Å"T’was Grace that taught my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved,† the song is has a message that it is in recognizing our fears that one is truly delivered from them. Thus, it had an appeal to the military, the oppressed and the marginalized for the connotation of valor and courage. The song’s long popularity and various uses attest to its ability to resonate core human desires fro freedom, salvation and justice. The song’s greatest meaning lies not in its religious aspects but in its belief in the triumph of the human spirit. Works Cited â€Å"Amazing Grace†. Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia.14 March 2007. 15 March 2007. â€Å"Amazing Grace Lyrics†. Gospel Hut. 14 June 2006. 15 March 2007. â€Å"Trail of Tears†. Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia. 13 March 2007. 15 March 2007. Rogers, Al. Amazing Grace: The Story of John Newton. 1996. 15 March 2007. â€Å"Words to Amazing Grace†. Littleleaf. 14 March 2007. 15 March 2007. http://www. littleleaf. com/amazinggrace. htm

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Creative And Critical Thinking Among Students Education Essay

â€Å" 7,987 directly As in SPM † screamed the headlines of major newspapers when the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia consequences were announced on the 10th of March 2010. The arrested development with academic accomplishments among Malaysians knew no bounds. Every twelvemonth, exhilaration and joy, anxiousness and letdown, pervade among pupils, parents and instructors when the Ministry of Education and Malaysian Examination Board releases the consequences of public scrutinies, be it UPSR, PMR, SPM and STPM. The compulsion with academic accomplishment is dominating all other facets of a holistic instruction system in Malaysia. The Malayan Education Philosophy clearly states that the function of the school course of study is to guarantee the holistic development of the single mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally by leaving general cognition and accomplishments ; cultivating, transfusing and furthering healthy attitudes and recognized moral values. The course of study aims to convey forth the Malayan citizen who is a balanced and all-around person, trained, adept, and cherishes the national aspiration for integrity. Why all the ballyhoo with pupils ‘ academic accomplishments? Harmonizing to Professor Dr. Ray Wilks, Head of the School of Psychology, International Medical University, there is no grounds to demo a positive correlativity between academic accomplishment in scrutiny and acquisition. Learning should non be about go throughing scrutinies. â€Å" We should alternatively make more wonder in kids ‘s acquisition to foster creativeness and innovativeness, † says Professor Dr. Ray Wilks. Indeed, the instruction systems in Malaysia purposes to model persons to go better Malaysians with the right attitudes, and to fit them with the cognition and accomplishments necessary in the 21st century to do Malaysia a developed state by the twelvemonth 2020. To run into the challenges of the 20 first-century and Vision 2020, learning and learning patterns and school direction are invariably reviewed to develop persons who are technologically literate and can lend to a originative and advanced work force. This transmutation will imply altering the school civilization, from one that is preponderantly memory-based to one that stimulates believing, creativeness, and innovativeness. Yet the importance placed on academic accomplishment has earnestly impacted on the ability and efficiency of the Malayan instruction system in developing holistic persons that are able to manage the challenges of life after formal schooling. In fact many a times, newspapers highlighted employers ailments that school departers and even university ‘s alumnuss have jobs discoursing and pass oning efficaciously, allow entirely to believe critically and creatively. In add-on the deficiency of critical and originative thought abilities among Malaysians school departers and university alumnuss has been pinpointed by the Minister of Human Resource, Datuk Dr. S Subramaniam, as one of the chief jobs lending to their low marketability in the occupation market. The deficiency of believing accomplishments among the present and future work force of the state will halter the state ‘s attempts toward accomplishing a developed state position by 2020. What are critical and originative thought? Critical thought is a type of believing that converges on a individual idea or entity. One must form, analyse or measure information, which might besides be broken into parts and taught explicitly. A cognitive procedure complimentary to, but different than critical thought, is originative thought. This believing diverges from a individual idea or entity. One must bring forth, synthesise, happen options, adapt, replacement, or elaborate. Critical and originative thought are the edifice blocks that will do certain our pupils will hold the required thought accomplishments to win in life and at work and guarantee the attainment of Vision 2020. Detractors of attempts to stress critical and originative thought in the course of study have point to the possibility of poorer academic accomplishments as a effect. However, research has shown that when pupils develop their thought accomplishments by looking beyond the obvious, doing originative connexions, developing schemes, doing determinations, be aftering in front and reflecting, they besides improved their academic public presentation. Therefore, stressing critical and originative thought will augment academic accomplishment. How to promote critical and originative thought? One manner is to cut down the accent on the usage summational appraisals such as UPSR, PMR and SPM. Summational appraisals are used for categorising pupils and emphasize the usage of written scrutinies. The UPSR and PMR summational appraisal have deviated from its original intent of naming larning jobs with the purpose of fixing remedial actions to better pupils larning. They are now used to stream kids into categories. In psychological footings, it is bad to label kids. It is positive support for smart kids, as defined by our appraisal system, but non for the kids who do non make good. The tools used in our public scrutinies are picking up all the rote scholars. Professor Dr Ray Wilks says, â€Å" From a psychological point of position, to label a kid of 12 is a sort of life sentence. † He further provinces that experiments have shown that if we tell instructors that a kid is of certain achievement degree, they will learn to th at point. The instructors will non raise their instruction to the following degree for that kid. Alternatively we should promote more formative appraisal in the acquisition environments. Formative appraisal besides called uninterrupted appraisal is a more dependable manner to look at the acquisition procedure. School-based uninterrupted appraisal looks at broader instruction accomplishments, such as communicating, critical and originative thought, and teamwork, instead than merely textbook accomplishments. These accomplishments are assessed by instructors through activities like arguments, play, analyzing issues and undertaking work. Formative appraisals besides provide diagnostic information to enable instructors to help pupils with larning troubles. Furthermore, when there are less public scrutinies, kids can hold more clip to research other involvements such as music and humanistic disciplines that would assist instil creativeness in them. â€Å" I ‘ve ever wanted my kids to larn to play the piano, but they are ever tired after schools and tuition, † says one parent. With less scrutiny, instructors will besides hold more clip to form field trips and jaunts, which will let pupils to be in contact with nature and detect new larning chances for critical and originative thought that may non be present in the schoolroom. Given appropriate chances, kids can prosecute in sophisticated cognitive procedures. Research suggests that either excessively much or excessively small construction can forestall development of critical and originative thought and in the procedure kids are non equipped with active and strategic attacks to larning undertakings. Therefore, appropriate instructional attacks could consequences in pupils heightening their critical and originative thought accomplishments. Three attacks are normally used in the instruction of believing accomplishments: stand-alone attack, submergence attack and embedded attack. Stand-alone attack consists of learning believing accomplishments separate from capable affair content. In this instance a general set of thought accomplishments are identified and taught as a separate class or capable. Students are taught how to reassign the accomplishments to assorted topics and state of affairss. However, believing accomplishments taught in isolation tend to consequences in pupils holding jobs reassigning believing accomplishments to academic or existent universe jobs. The submergence attack does non affect learning believing accomplishments. Rather it allows good thought to develop of course as a consequence of pupils being to the full engaged or immersed in content-related activities which calls for higher degrees of thought. Students are provided with perennial patterns in complex cognitive activities with the premise that they will finally develop the necessary cognitive accomplishments to successfully prosecute in high-ranking thought. However, research has shown that merely plunging pupils in thought activities is non an effectual instructional attack. The embedded attack involves learning believing accomplishments within a subject-matter context. Thinking accomplishments are taught in scientific discipline, societal surveies, linguistic communication, humanistic disciplines, and some other topics. Students than use these accomplishments straight to the peculiar topic being studied. This allows pupils to utilize the accomplishments in a meaningful context and helps them larn the capable affair more profoundly. An embedded attack is an effectual manner to learn believing accomplishments. Rather than an extra topic, believing accomplishments are used to heighten whatever course of study presently being taught. Training instructors in specific instructional attacks means that schools must put in instructors ‘ professional development. Instructional attacks that help instructors incorporate a â€Å" acquisition to believe † constituent into their course of study empower pupils to take duty for bettering their thought and acquisition. Although cognitive development is merely one portion of a kid ‘s overall development, it is indispensable that instructors respond to the community demand for and the kid ‘s right to cognitive competency. Teacher developing suppliers need to go cognizant of the benefits of certain instructional attacks on pupil public presentation and integrated preparation in such attacks in their classs. Therefore, in decision, Malaysia needs to guarantee that its future coevals does non merely execute good academically but should possess the ability to believe critically and creatively. All Malaysians should back up the integrating of critical and originative thought in its educational course of study. It should non merely simply be stated in printed paperss. Affirmative actions should be put in topographic point to guarantee that the instruction and acquisition of critical and originative thought is actualized in the schoolroom context. Lest, Vision 2020 remains a dream and Malaysia will bumble in its ability to accomplish the New Economic Model towards accomplishing 1Malaysia, â€Å" Peoples First, Performance Now † . ( 1497 words )

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Karl Marx's theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Karl Marx's theories - Essay Example Workers are alienated from the activity of working. The employers assign their employees their tasks. This means that the work actually belongs to those who are in authority. Workers are alienated from the chance to understand humanity. An example includes those workers who pollute the environment, the factory workers. They are causing harm to the world they inhabit. Workers are also alienated from each other. This occurs as the workers undergo competitions in order to win over certain positions in a labor marketplace. According to utilitarian view, those actions for a problem are considered correct which offer more benefits to the society as compared to the benefits offered by other actions conducted in the same situation (Russell 1959, 65). Actions should be considered right or wrong according to costs and benefits associated with them. Those offering more costs than benefits are considered wrong and vice versa. Through out the world, child labor is unanimously opposed. However, it does exist in certain countries because if children do not earn, the entire family suffers. In such situations, child labor is considered right as it has more benefits than adverse effects. Categorical imperative states that actions are morally correct if the reason behind them is that the person who is conducting that action in a situation is ready to accept the same action conducted upon him (Hegel 1956, 167). An example is that an employer can only discriminate between his employees (on the basis of color, race and ethnicity) if he is ready to accept his supervisor practicing the same kind of behavior with him. Theodicy explains why an ideal, almighty God, who has knowledge about everything, allows immorality and sin. This is a justification of a Divine existence. According to Saint Thomas, evil is misery, it exists where goodness does not. There is no optimism which gives rise to evil so God can not be held responsible for the evil that exists in the universe. Evil does not exi st as an objective notion but as a subjective one. It’s not an inherent quality; rather, people show iniquity and injustice in relation to others. Everything real in this world is in fact good; but these realities end up being evil due to some incident. The original reason of evil is good, even the subjects in which evil is identified. Augustine’s sayings are agreed upon by only a few (Rachels 2010, 300). The dispute is a result of the vagueness of his work. Individuals have a free will to choose between right and wrong. Certainly, free will exists. He even stated that the individuals are saved by God from doing evil and the decision to save them is taken even before individuals are born. One can lead a life of self-control and determination but if God does not wish to save him from evil, his free-will holds no importance. This implies that a person who experiences something unpleasant but is chosen by God will be saved no matter what he does. God is not related to mal evolence as He is only the Creator of righteousness. The humans (or angels) transgress the bounds of goodness and commit sins. The contradistinction arises as free will does not support the fact that God is accountable for all good. People are not acknowledged for their goodness but only for their wrong doings. The free will of people is influenced by their needs, wishes and lust. Indeed, J.L Mackie

Should football managers be sacked when results (on the field) are Essay - 1

Should football managers be sacked when results (on the field) are poor What does your answer tell you about how we should - Essay Example The models influence two different leadership succession theories that will come in handy in the discussion of the subject matter. The two leadership succession theories are vicious cycle theory and common sense theory. The two theories give different relationship of leadership succession and performance of the organization thereby providing the basis for and sacking unsuccessful managers. The integration provides great context to explain the effect of leadership succession. The common sense theory holds that the performance of an organisation will improve when an organization sacks an unsuccessful leader. This indicates that the managers are hired to control the performance of a firm and hence are responsible for good performance. According to the resource dependence theory, the manager has control over the performance of the organisation since he has the ability to start or terminate actions at his discretion. The managers bring on board resources, information and legitimacy. This results if the organization sacks a manager with poor results and hires one with the right mix of resources, the performance will improve. This therefore roots for the sacking of the manager since he is to blame for the organization’s poor performance and hire a manager who has the right mix of resources to spur good performance in the subsequent time period. This thus provides the basis for sacking unsuccessful managers (Soebbing & Washington 2011). The other leadership succession theory is the vicious cycle theory, whose underlying support is organizational learning. The vicious cycle holds that succession in leadership naturally disrupts the organization leading to poor performance. Organization learning provides that for an organization to improve its performance there should be strategic renewal, which focuses on the whole organization not just the managers. The model disregards that managers are an important component, which determine how well the organization is run an d how well information diffused to the lower offices and employees. Organization learning holds that when a poorly performing leader is sacked the performance of the team becomes even poorer. This thus supports the vicious theory that poor performance in an organization leads to organizational change but lower performance is a result of change (Soebbing & Washington 2011). This paper will not use institutional theory in arguing the subject matter at hand since it supports the ritual scapegoat theory. The ritual scapegoat theory holds that there is no relationship between leadership succession in an organization and the performance of the organization. From this perspective the leader is only a symbol and does not influence the performance of the organization. This promotes that change is undertaken to promote social constructs, therefore going contrary to the main market consideration that change is undertaken in the search for performance gains. A non-performing manager should be s acked since a new manager spurs immediate short-term reprieve. Of nine studies scrutinizing six countries that included England and Spain, showed that replacing a poorly performing manager does improve the on-field performance of the club. This leads to increase in the club’s short-term performance when a new manager is appointed. The sacking is usually based

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What is the Ecstatic Truth Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What is the Ecstatic Truth - Assignment Example Ecstatic truth is giving the viewer a high expectation of the central character reaching his highest goal. There is an element of existentialism as we become part of the central character as we become so involved with the film. Ecstatic truth is beyond the apparent fact. It transcends reality and is a manifestation of what goes on within the person. Werner Herzog finds this truth in two points in the set of videos. He shows the museum curator explaining that Treadwell did something the Indians hadn't done in 7000 years. Tim was a man overly obsessed with nature and crossed the territory bounds that were never meant to be crossed. Men were not made to associate with bears. When the father killed the cub so the mother would stop lactating, Tim never acknowledge that the bears were carnivores. He was sad and cried. Herzog showed that this obsession lead to his demise. The film started on the positive point that death is without fear. Treadwell talks about death, perseverance, and being a samurai. A fearless death is where you survive. He shows an unreality in wanting to become a bear or fight like a bear. In the thirteen years he was going to Alaska, he learned their behaviors. He cried when they suffered; he cried when they ate each other. His thought his friendship with them was real. Herzog's changes the truth of Treadwell's insight into nature as becoming the insight into our inner beings. His insight into nature also becomes the viewers insight into Ted's inner character.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 9

International Marketing - Essay Example er this paper will provide an in depth analysis of the Dutch economy as a whole taking into consideration such factors as population, birth rates, demographics, consumer preferences, Firstly an examination of the Dutch market and economy will be conducted. It is the case that the Netherlands is one of the founding members of the European Union and the World Trade Organization. Moreover, from a historical context the nation has always had a strong association with emphasizing the importance of a strong economy. In fact according to the Chambers (2001) it is the case that the Dutch East India Company was arguably the first business entity to issue a common stock. However in the modern context it remains the case that the nation has been considered innovators in the business community from five perspectives Firstly in terms of education the nation boasts a highly educated workforce which according to the programme for international student assessment as studied by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (2008) has ultimately ranked the Netherlands as having the ninth best education system in the world which is far higher than the average. In terms of infrastructure the nation is undoubtedly considered thoroughly modernized. According to the CIA World Factbook, the nation has a total of twenty-seven airports, over 2,896 meters of railways (Utilizing a standard gauge), over 136,862 km of roadways, 6,215 km of waterways that are navigable to ships of 50 tones, as well as some substantial ports and terminals. From an economics perspective the nation is considered to be one of the wealthiest in the world. According to the CIA World Factbook the nation has total gross domestic product of approximately $652 billion in 2009 which would place it twenty second in global standings. On a micro level the gross domestic product per capita when accounting for purchasing power parity is approximately $39,000 in U.S. Dollars. From a demographics perspective the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Case study - Essay Example This test is carried out to determine the contents of the milk that cause this kind of bleeding known as the blackout syndrome. There were various tests that were done on the two kinds of milk that were provided. They all have different objectives that will help in finding the cause of the black syndrome. The filter test is used to show the different type of microns that are contained in the middle; the Petri dish test is used to culture the milk for more studies; the atomic absorption flame photometer detects the presence and concentration of certain ions; the microscope test helps in the identification of the various shapes of the pathogens. The tests have different procedures, to culture the milk pathogens it is required to sterilize a nichrome loop, dip it into the liquid being tested and smear it across the agar in the petri dish. Repeat the same procedure on what is to be compared with and wait for the pathogens to culture. The atomic absorption flame photometer takes a certain procedure which as follows: prepare a solution of the substance to be tested, evaporate the solution to leave fine solid particles, burn the solid particles in the machine to produce a black strip with several distinct colors. To microscope test take the following procedure: take a small sample of the substance to be tested and add crystal violet to stain the cell, add iodine to fix the purple stain in some types of bacteria, wash everything in alcohol to decolorize the non-fixed bacteria, add a red counterstain and prepare the sample for viewing. The filtration test requires one to pour the substance to be tested into the machine and turn it on and wait for the wait for the machine to categorize the components of the test substance. The filter divides the components of the milk into three categories which shows the presence of different types of microns in the milk. Burning samples of the test product in the atomic absorption flame photometer shows a black strip with several disti nct colors. The petri dish test shows culturing in the milk sample in the dish. The microscope test helps to identify the shapes of the different types of bacterium in the milk. The filtration test shows the presence of fungi indicated by part of the milk that did not go into the 10 micron ending up in the F-100 bottle, the presence of bacteria indicated by the part of milk that has not gone through the half micron filter ending up in the F-five bottle. The culturing of pathogens in the petri dish indicates the presence of bacterium in the milk sample as indicated by the white pathogen growing in sample milk A. The different shapes of bacteria shown through the microscope show the types of bacterium in the milk (gram positive or gram negative) and their various colors. The results from the atomic absorption photometer indicate no poison in the milk since the readouts do not indicate anything out of normal. The filtration process indicates the different types of pathogens in the milk with regard to their sizes. The presence of the sample milk in bottle F100 indicate the presence of fungi while the presence of part of the sample milk in bottle F5 indicates the presence of bacteria and the presence of sample milk in bottle F0 indicates presence of viruses and chemicals in the milk. The identical coloration of the black strip in the flame photometer

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Perspective on marketings role within your organisation Essay - 1

Perspective on marketings role within your organisation - Essay Example Sales forecasts generated by the marketing department of the business will also be important in influencing budgets and allocation of human resources within the company. In addition, the marketing function also supports research and development function of the organization in coming up with products and services that meet the needs of the customers. Furthermore, the role of marketing as a function remains a critical aspect in understanding the core values of an organization and the attitudes of an organization towards the delivery of goods and services to its customers. In other words, marketing function plays a significant role in situating how the performance of an organization’s new product in the market, customer relationship practices, and financial base are perceived externally (Moorman & Rust, 1999). This is because it is a business area of an organization that most frequently interacts with customers and the public in general, and consequently, shapes the general perception of the public about the organization, its activities, and values. For instance, customers may see an organization as dynamic and innovative based on its promotional and advertising messages that focus on new products. In addition, a firm’s stated marketing objectives will inform customers and the public about the firm’s performan ce on customer satisfaction, market share, and /or

Friday, August 23, 2019

Employee Electronic Privacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Employee Electronic Privacy - Essay Example The employee eventually resigned from her current position and immediately began to work at the new position. The debate rages on whether which side is correct. But this paper would establish that in this scenario, it is the employer who stands to lose more by their workers’ access to the internet, and hence, are justified in monitoring internet access in the workplace. For one, with each access to the internet the chances of electronic hackers gaining access to the corporations’ intranet and confidential files are increased if not monitored. We turn to Chang, J. (April 9, 2004)1 who stated: †¦..Each year hackers steal millions of dollars worth of proprietary information from companies and organizations. A survey by the Computer Security Institute indicated that for the year 2002, theft of proprietary information by hackers cost companies and organizations over $70 million.1 The cost to insure against these hackers is staggering—the market for hacker insurance is expected to increase from $100 million in 2003 to $900 million by 2005.2 In addition, hackers can cause severe damage to computer systems by altering or deleting data files and disabling software. In addition to proprietary information, hackers also steal personal information from these organizations and corporations including their customers’ credit card numbers, account numbers, and social security numbers. For example, in 2000, hackers stole 55,000 credit card numbers from and 300,000 credit card numbers from The theft of personal information such as credit card numbers raises serious concerns relating to both identity theft and privacy. Hence, in an attempt to forestall such staggering losses, the employers’ reaction was naturally to check the culprit, and that is the unprecedented access to online materials. The cost of installing monitoring devices is

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Many of the characters in Of Mice and Men have dreams Essay Example for Free

Many of the characters in Of Mice and Men have dreams Essay Many of the characters in Of Mice and Men have dreams. What are their dreams and how near are any of them to achieving what they want? Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck is a classic novel set in a ranch town in Salinas Valley, California. The novel may have been set here as a result of most of Steinbecks childhood being spent on his fathers farmland. His descriptions of the setting will have been aided by his first hand experience of the ranches of the area. The novel itself documents the lives of Lennie Small and George Milton. With Lennie being mentally challenged he has the psychological capabilities of a five year old. This means he has to be cared for by George because he acts childish and irresponsibly. For this reason, he often causes commotion within the ranch he is working. On many occasions disruption has occurred and occurs, George and Lennie are forced to leave their current ranch and start again at a new one. As they are always moving around, they never have a secure job and are always staying in temporary accommodation. With each time they move to a different ranch they dream more and more of having their own piece of land where they can be their own bosses and live off the crops they grow. This is shown by this quote, and we can live off the fatta the lan' said by George. This is only one of the many dreams that feature in Of Mice and Men, however not one of the dreams featured in this novel are achieved. This reflected the harsh reality of the Great Depression and the racial prejudice in society at the time. Steinbeck set Of Mice and Men during the Great Depression, in the late 1920s and the 1930s. Many migrants came to California, from other parts of the world looking for work as America was seen as the Land of Opportunity. This glimpse of hope inspired many Europeans to emigrate as Europe, at the time, was overcrowded and disease ridden. America was believed to provide cheap land and no rigid class structure existed. These characteristics gave Europeans the chance of a completely different way of life to what they were used to. In 1929, America entered a prolonged period of economic deprivation due to the collapse of the New York stock exchange, The Wall Street Crash. Following The Wall Street Crash, many Americans who had invested great deals of money into stocks and shares lost almost all of their investments. In some cases, people would have lost their houses and life savings. During The Great Depression, failed businesses and long-term unemployment were of the norm. The hopes of those immigrants, who came to America looking for a new life, were dashed by this tragic event. America was certainly not the Land of Opportunity. George and Lennie travelled from ranch to ranch together. This was unusual as most ranch workers would only usually work at one ranch for no longer than a month or two. They would literally not have the time for friendship. This was one of the reasons that the average workers dream was for some sort of companionship. The fact that George and Lennie had travelled together so long is significant as they lived the dream of so many other workers. It would give them the chance of having an alternative dream, one of owning their own land on which they could live off. When travelling from ranch to ranch workers could not carry many possessions and so had nothing to show for their years of working. They would work and work but not really achieve much. They would spend the money they earned and then earn some more and repeat. This is illustrated in the quote, up a stake and blow the stake. A dream would be important as it would give a worker something to work towards instead of working with no real direction in their life. Many of the characters in the novel have dreams. The dream is a form of escape from reality of life. As previously stated, George and Lennies dream is to have a piece of land that they can call their own, tend it, grow crops and raise animals. However, Lennie specifically dreams of caring for rabbits. This shows his immaturity. He says, An have rabbits! George is always repeating this dream to Lennie. When he does depict the dream to Lennie, he uses exaggerative language and gets involved in the dream almost as much as Lennie. Both George and Lennie become excited when the dream is recalled. They swear, Well just say the hell with going to work , animating their eagerness to fulfil their dream. George and Lennies dream eventually fails. This is for a number of reasons. It is mainly because Lennie is such a burden to George. Because of Lennies mental incapability, he has no idea that he is making Georges life miserable. George says, Course Lennies a God damn nuisance most of the time, but you get used to goin around with a guy an you cant get rid of him George is being held back by Lennie as they are constantly forced to change jobs, because of situations the Lennie gets them in to and therefore they cant stay in work long enough to build up any sort of savings. The result of this is that they can not save up the money to achieve the dream. Lennie has limited social skills and so does not know how to interact with people. Instead, he finds comfort in touching things and is too tactile. This causes trouble as Lennie often touches womens clothes and is misunderstood and seen to be abusive. For this reason, George has to keep a constant eye on Lennie. When Candy makes the proposal of entering their dream in exchange for three hundred dollars, George suddenly sees some possibility of the dream succeeding. Before, he had merely used the dream as a pacifier for Lennie and had lulled himself into believing that it may happen so that he could continue bringing hope to Lennie. I think that sub-consciously he always knew that the dream would never be a reality. With Candys financial input, the dream could realistically be achieved within the month. However, an abrupt end to their hopes arrives. Lennie, in his childlike way, cannot conceive of the line where stroking stops and hurting begins in terms of petting, and he ends up accidently killing two animals by petting them violently. Most horrifically, at the climax of the story, he kills Curlys wife in the same way. The fact that he killed her was the final blow to the dream. I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed wed never do her, George says as he realizes the dream is inevitable. Lennie was inevitably going to be hunted down and shot on site. George, who is forced to join the manhunt for Lennie, decides that the kindest way out for both him and Lennie is to kill him when he finds him. He does this by luring Lennie into a false state of trust by reciting their dream to him one last time. This sends Lennie off into death with his dream in his head. You can argue in some way Lennie has achieved his dream. Curlys wife has a dream common to the period and today. She believes that she has the talent to become a Hollywood actress. She was convinced of this as when she was younger; she acquainted herself with a Hollywood director who deemed her suitable to be an actress in the movies. This is shown in a quote taken from a passage spoken by Curlys wife, An I coulda sat in them big hotels, an had pitchers took of me..An all them nice clothes they wear. Because this guy said I was a natural. This guy told her she would receive a letter from him explaining where to meet to develop her acting career. Her explanation of why she didnt become an actress is idealistic at best. She believed that her mother stole that letter. However, this is an optimistic justification. It just so happens that shortly after Curleys wife was given the hope of becoming an actress, she met Curley. When she realised that her dream of becoming an actress was truly over, she decided to marry Curley. She may have done this as, at the time, it was very difficult for a woman to get a job and live on her own. The main profession of women then was housewife. Most women would marry a modest worker but marrying a rich man who owned a ranch was a bonus. Life would be easy for Curleys wife as she would not have to lift a finger. As there was such discrimination towards women, Curleys wife found herself being ignored by the men on the ranch. She was not paid much attention by Curley and was seen by him as more of a trophy than a wife. These are the main reasons that Curleys wife is not happy. She openly expresses that she does not even love Curley. I dont like Curley. She regrets that she married him in the first place. She was not able to speak to anyone during the day as all of the men were out on the fields working. This causes her to be extremely lonely. At any chance she can she will speak to someone. When she speaks to Lennie in the barn, she says, Why cant I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely. This shows that she craves friendship. She is often prying on the men just looking for someone to talk to. She justifies this by saying to Slim Hi, good lookin. Im tryin to find Curley, Slim. The fact that she does not even have a name and is instead referred to as Curleys wife shows her status on the ranch. It shows that she is so insignificant that she is not even deemed important enough to warrant a real name. She is looked down on and shown no respect by most of the men on the ranch. She also has the dream to be treated as equal to the men on the ranch. This is similar to Crooks dream. He just wants to be accepted by everyone else on the ranch. However, both Crooks and Curleys wife have similar dreams which would lead you to think that they would sympathise with each other. The reality is quite opposite. Curleys wife approaches Crooks in an aggressive manor and speaks to him in a demoralising way. She says, Well you keep your place, then Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it aint even funny! She perhaps speaks to Crooks with no respect as he is the only person on the ranch over whom she has a higher status. Crooks and Candy try to enter George and Lennies dream. They both do this for their own reasons. Candy is worried about his future on the ranch. He believes that is nearing the point of becoming useless to the ranch owner. He needs some security so that when he does become of no use, he can settle down somewhere. Crooks feels socially isolated and needs to go somewhere that he will be treated as an equal. George, Lennie and Candy do not discriminate against Crooks as much as most. This is the reason that he would feel comfortable living in a house with them. Candy, when he enters the dream, provides financial power. He has three hundred dollars that he is willing to invest in the dream. When he first tries to join the dream, George responds in a negative and coy way. He says You know a place like that? [Candy] Spose I do? Whats that to you? [George]. However, when George considers Candys proposition, he starts to think that the dream may actually become a reality. Candy is afraid that if he does not get somewhere that he can retire to, he may have no one to care for him. Eventually he will be seen of no use and disposed of, much like his dog. Crooks joins the dream as he feels he needs a shelter from society, somewhere that he is accepted for the person that he is and not judged by his skin colour or his disability. Crooks has no status and is treated with no respect on the ranch. He is frustrated with all of the racism directed towards him. He says, If I say something, why, its just a nigger saying it Crooks had a taste of equality when he was a child. He was accepted by white children and has perhaps not accepted the fact that he is now a social outcast. He says, The white kids come to play at our place, an sometimes I went to play with them, and some of them was pretty nice He remembers what it was like to be an equal and wants to experience that feeling again. This is one of the reasons the Crooks joins the dream. Candy will soon be too old and frail to keep his job at the ranch. The fact that he only has one hand means that his job opportunities are very limited. He, much like Crooks, has no one in his life. He just watches workers come and go from the ranch. He would have somewhere to belong if he joined the dream. This is a very important psychologically as having a place to call home can give Candy a reason to carry on living. All of these characters have dreams and their dreams are important to them. They all give their character some sort of goal to aim for and a light at the end of the tunnel. I believe Steinbeck is trying to make a point by including all of these dreams. I think he is trying to say that without dreams, we are all lost in our lives. We all need some sort of dream to keep us motivated. I think the novel was written to show the stranglehold that the Great Depression had on America in the 1930s. It also shows how hard the life of an itinerant worker was. Of Mice and Men was very a descriptive and informative book. It made me realise that dreams, however small or big, are vital in life.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Quenn Elizabeth I Essay Example for Free

Quenn Elizabeth I Essay During her time as the queen of England, Elizabeth Tudor had to make many decisions on matters both political and personal, such as new religious policies, whether she would marry, whom she would name her heir and also how much power and privilege to delegate to her parliament. The House of Commons and the House of Lords made up Elizabeth’s parliament; the Commons consisted of citizens elected by their constituency, and in the Lords there were around 100 hereditary peers and bishops. At the time, the reigning monarch got a lot more input as to what laws could be passed, and so when decisions had to be made Elizabeth was often very involved in the process. However, this occasionally led to disputes between her and her parliament, as they did not always agree on every matter. Overall, most of the disputes between the queen and her parliament were easily solved – mostly, when such an issue occurred, the queen exercised her prerogative powers to overrule the parliament, and through various methods such as banning topics of discussion, arresting any opposition and occasionally using her power of veto, she prevented any major parliamentary disagreements throughout her reign. In reality, she exercised her power of veto only a few times, and this shows that for the most part she managed to get her parliament to cooperate with her during her reign. When Elizabeth first came to the throne in 1558 she was faced with the difficult task of establishing a new common religion in a country fraught with religious tensions. The first parliament called under Elizabeth convened on 25th January 1559, and its chief business was forming the new religious settlement. The general hatred of the burning of heretics under Mary, the rapid return of exiled Protestants to England, and Elizabeth’s known Protestant sympathies were all factors that led to a distinctly Protestant House of Commons. The Reformation Bill that was drafted by the Commons was recognisably biased against Catholicism; it defined the Communion in terms of Protestant theology (disagreeing with the transubstantiation of the Catholic mass), ordered that ministers should not wear vestments, banned images from churches and included abuse of the Pope in the litany. Naturally, this was met with much resistance in the House of Lords, as there were many Marian Catholic bishops who opposed the anti-Catholic ideas. The Lords reworked much of the Bill, bringing back allowances for the belief in transubstantiation, the wearing of vestments and also refusing to give Elizabeth the title of Supreme Head of the Church. Elizabeth managed to move past the issues between the Commons and the Lords, opting to let the Catholic Lords keep many of their amendments in the Bill. Although she was known to be Protestant, she felt less strongly than many of the members in the Commons that Catholicism should be dealt with harshly. The historian Sir John Neale believes that a so-called ‘Puritan Choir’ worked to make the reforms more radically Protestant, but MPs forced Elizabeth to accept a more radical religious settlement than she wanted. However this is generally disputed nowadays; the queen’s priority was finding a compromise between the two factions and establishing a stable religion in her country. She knew she would have to compromise with the Catholic bishops and take some of their demands into account in order to avoid angering the Catholics throughout the country. However, despite her lenience towards Catholicism in the Bill, she went on to replace many of the Catholic bishops in the House of Lords, showing them that although she let them amend the settlement, she had the ultimate power and could use it to overcome any opposition. The next time Elizabeth called parliament to session, several Privy councillors and bishops (led by Thomas Norton) tried to bring about further reforms in the Church. However, these attempts failed when Elizabeth effectively banned the topic of religion; she never allowed parliament to interfere with her ecclesiastical privileges. In 1571, William Strickland called for Elizabeth to make amendments to the Prayer Book – she had him arrested, showing once and for all that decisions regarding religion were her responsibility and nobody else’s. Therefore, Elizabeth effectively made sure that parliament would cooperate with her over matters of religion. She made allowances during the first session of 1559 since drawing up a new Bill required input from both Protestant and Catholics in order to create a religion that would satisfy most of England. However, once this was established, Elizabeth used her powers to ensure that there were no further issues regarding religion; she did so effectively, and despite a few small problems such as Strickland’s arrest in 1571, the parliament understood that she did not want religion discussed, and for the most part they did cooperate with her desires on this matter. Another issue that challenged the parliament’s ability to cooperate with Elizabeth was t hat of marriage and succession. In the parliaments of 1563 and 1566, the parliament urged the queen to marry, and later on in the sessions of 1572 and 1586 the queen was pressed to name a successor. In 1562, Elizabeth almost died after a bout of smallpox, being unmarried and childless, this made her subjects worry about the situation they would be left in if she did not survive; facing a potential war over who would succeed to the throne. Not long after, in the parliamentary session of 1563, the Commons drew up an official petition, asking Elizabeth to choose a suitor to marry and name a successor her response was to tell them it was none of their business. However, she was up against a large group of influential opposition; the committee that drafted the petition included all eight Privy Councillors sitting in the Commons. This meant that she couldn’t go to her Council for advice as to how to respond – instead she had to rely on her own strength of mind and character to show the Commons that she did not approve of their pressuring her to make decisions. Elizabeth had established herself as a capable queen from the start of her reign, and the main way she avoided being influenced on the matters of marriage and succession was her strong-mindedness and her ability to command her parliament. When it came to the topic of marriage, she was quoted as having said ‘I would rather be a beggar and single, than a queen and married’ – making several such statements during her time as queen, she had made it clear by the latter years of her reign that she would not marry. Whether she planned from the start to remain single, or whether this was the approach she adopted once she had grown too old, she always remained adamant that she would not let her parliament influence her. However, throughout her reign, MPs and members of her Council continued to try, and so marriage was one issue that they were clearly more reluctant to cooperate on, despite Elizabeth’s ability to control how far they took their disagreements. When it came to the issue of succession, once again the parliament wouldn’t cooperate as much as it would on other issues, for example that of religion. From the first parliamentary session, Elizabeth was asked to name a successor, and it was a constant source of tension in the parliament when she refused to do so. Mary Queen of Scots, the next legitimate heir to the throne, married to the French king, and a Catholic, was seen as a threat to Elizabeth’s security, and Elizabeth was always faced with pressure from her parliament to do something about this. In 1572, the parliament tries to have Mary excluded from the succession, accusing her of treason as an excuse. However, Elizabeth refused to sign any bill accusing Mary of treason, thus meaning she would not be ruled out of the succession, and so in 1586 the parliament took this one step further, demanding Mary’s execution. Although Mary was a potential threat to Elizabeth’s throne, Elizabeth respected her as her cousin and as the monarch of Scotland, and so parliament was prorogued for several months while Elizabeth tried to get out of signing her death warrant. However, this is one of the few cases where parliaments refusal to cooperate with Elizabeth’s wishes led to the queen being influenced, and eventually she signed a bill calling for Mary’s execution. This caused many issues between the queen and parliament, as she clearly regretted being influenced by the parliamentary pressure, trying to distance herself from the incident afterwards and using several men, such as the Scottish diplomat William Davison, as scapegoats for the event. It is clear to see that the issues of marriage and succession were not ones that Elizabeth’s parliament wanted to cooperate on – they felt strongly that, should Elizabeth die, she should not leave them without an established successor, and they were willing to defy the queen’s wishes in order to push her on these issues. As a result of this refusal to cooperate, the queen lost her willpower – one of only a few times in her reign. Therefore marriage and succession are significant issues faced by Elizabeth and the parliament where they could not agree on what to do. All members of parliament were entitled to their parliamentary privileges; mainly freedom of speech and freedom from arrest. However, for some MPs this was not enough, and at times during Elizabeth’s reign certain members of parliament tried to increase their privileges, clearly acting against the queen’s wishes. For example, in 1576, Peter Wentworth of the House of Commons made a speech publicly saying that the queen should not be allowed to dictate conversation topics. During Elizabeth’s reign she did exercise her royal prerogative and her power as monarch to forbid certain topics she didn’t want discussed behind her back, such as religion – and as a result the parliamentary privilege of freedom of speech was reduced during her reign. Wentworth demanded that all MPs should be able to use their privilege of freedom of speech. This seems like an example of parliament refusing to cooperate once more with Elizabeth, however Wentworth was only one man, making such statements unsupported by most of parliament. Despite their occasional disagreements, parliament and Elizabeth were on the same side and so by standing up and speaking against the queen, Wentworth had effectively made a speech against his fellow parliamentarians as well. John Neale believes that Wentworth made his speech on behalf of the ‘Puritan Choir’, in support of a large portion of the Commons – however the Revisionist theory sees Wentworth as a rogue radical, an exception amongst the MPs. The events that followed suggest that the Revisionist theory is correct in this case; shortly following this speech, the House of Commons had Wentworth arrested and put in the Tower, thereby proving his point that certain topics could not be discussed without the threat of arrest. However, in arresting Wentworth, the Commons were effectively acknowledging their reduction in freedom of speech and supporting the queen nonetheless, proving that at times parliament could cooperate with Elizabeth very well indeed. Towards the end of Elizabeth’s reign, an issue came about between the queen and parliament that became known as the ‘monopolies crisis’ – monopolies were a form of patronage granted to courtiers by Elizabeth, favoured by the queen because they cost her nothing and bought her support from people at court. However, monopolies over basic commodities (such as giving a courtier exclusive control over the salt trade) led prices to rocket and lined the courtier’s pocket at the expense of the whole country. As a result, monopolies were disliked greatly by members of parliament. Privy Council members benefitted too much from monopolies to support the MPs, however, and Robert Cecil’s resultant refusal to sympathise with parliament made the disagreement worse, until any subsidies requested by the government were unlikely to be supported by the Commons due to the tension. At this point, Elizabeth saw how much conflict was caused by the continuance of the giving of monopolies, and had to step in. She conceded to the Speaker’s request for her to suspend some monopolies, and the Commons were immediately satisfied. This movement signified the start of Elizabeth’s decline in power and status towards the end of her reign. Although she remained the same powerful queen that she had been in her earlier years, respected by her subjects and capable of handling situations, her willpower had seemingly declined and rather than fight a further battle with the Commons she decided to give them what they wanted. In 1601, the queen made ‘The Golden Speech’, where she significantly reduced the number of monopolies amongst the courtiers. Although her message showed that she was conceding to the demands of parliament, she made the speech so well that this U-turn in her policies was as dignified as it could have been. Despite the Commons pressuring her into reducing monopolies, the queen remained respected in her defeat. However, this was another example of an issue over which parliament didn’t manage to cooperate well with the queen. To conclude; there were several different issues throughout Elizabeth’s reign that led to disputes between her and parliament, and each time the two sides tackled the problems with varying levels of cooperation. The debate over parliamentary privileges is an example where the majority of the parliament in fact agreed with the queen, and the lack of cooperation in fact came from only a few individual members, for example Wentworth. The parliament also cooperated fairly well with Elizabeth on the matter of religion, as in 1559 they managed to draw up the new Religious Settlement having reached a fair compromise. The slight lack of cooperation experienced in further years, when members of parliament tried to bring up the topic of religion against the queen’s will (for example in the session of 1584-1585), again came from individual MPs, such as Strickland, rather than from parliament as a whole. The two examples where cooperation between Elizabeth and parliament was lacking are in the case of deciding whom Elizabeth should marry and name her heir, and also what to do about the issue of monopolies. In one instance – that of the debate over marriage and succession – Elizabeth remained strong and would not let the parliament pressure her into doing anything she didn’t want to. She remained in control throughout the decision making process, however it was an issue that continued to arise throughout her reign, in 1563, 1566 and 1586. The fact that the topic was raised by parliament so frequently shows that it was a matter on which they were never willing to cooperate. When it comes to the issue of monopolies, parliament only considered this a problem in the final session of 1601, and the queen conceded soon afterwards. Therefore we cannot tell if this was an issue on which the parliament would eventually have managed to compromise. Overall, parliament did manage to mostly cooperate with Elizabeth I throughout her reign. There were a couple of times when individual MPs stood up against the queen, but in every instance she managed to quash the opposition using her prerogative powers and strong willpower. Although the issue of marriage and succession seems like it was raised many times throughout her reign, it is worth remembering that in her 44 years as queen Elizabeth only summoned parliament 13 times, and so the parliament did not have many chances to disagree with the queen, let alone fall into serious disagreements. Therefore, despite the lack of cooperation over a few issues such as marriage, succession and monopolies, overall the queen managed to maintain control over both parliament and the amount of power the MPs held and as a result the two sides were mostly able to cooperate throughout her reign.

Assembling personal computer’s hardware and software

Assembling personal computer’s hardware and software Assembling the Personal Computer Firstly, you will assemble the case. You will need to install the power supply, the motherboard, Graphic card, Microprocessor, Main Memory, Hard disk drive, Network Interface Card and so on are stand offs to hold in the motherboard. You will also need to connect some wires to the motherboard You will need to unwrap the motherboard and microprocessor chip. The chip will have one marked corner that aligns with another marked corner of its socket on the motherboard. Align the corners and drop the microprocessor into the socket. You dont need to apply any pressure if its aligned correctly, it should fall into place. Once you have it in, cinch it down with lever arm Second, you will need to install the heat sink. The CPU box will contain a manual that tells you how to do it. The heat sink will contain either a heat sink sticker or heat sink grease to use when mounting the heat sink on the CPU. To install your heat sink, all you had to do was put it in place, cinch it down with flanges on either side and lock it with a cam. Connect the power lead for the heat sink to the motherboard Once youve chosen the right kind of RAM, its time to install your RAM module into the insides of your desktop. You should handle RAM carefully. The RAM slots are located on the computers motherboard. There are usually two slots, though there may be more. It will probably take more pressure than you would think to get the RAM into place. Each side of the module should also have a rotating arm that will look the RAM down Now your motherboard is ready to put in the case. Your motherboard should have come with a faceplate for its back connectors. You need to put in the plate and press it until it clicks in place. It needs to sit about a quarter of an inch away from the cases surface so that none of its connectors touch the case. Find the screws for set up motherboard in the case. Dont screw them in too tightly .Be very careful when putting in the screws. If you drop them into the case, they could damage the fine wires on the motherboard one goes Installing the hard disk drive and the DVD-ROM drive. The case has a removable bracket with four rubber grommets on it, which line up with four holes on the hard drive. It also came with four screws made just to punch through those grommets. Screw the hard drive into the bracket back into its slot in the case. If you are using IDE/PATA drives, be sure to set the jumpers correctly. Then connect the hard disk to the power using one of the connectors coming off of the power supply. Now install the cables. One side of the cable has a red stripe on it, which makes it pin 1. Look on the motherboard and hook the cable into the IDE connector marked 1. Insert the other end of the cable on the back of the drive. Now the drive is ready to use Now, you will install the CD-ROM drive. Again, set up the jumpers correctly. The CD-ROM drive fits in the front of the case, and you may have to put out a faceplate to make the room for it. Slide it in and screw it into place, making sure that it is aligned with the front of the case. Just as with the hard drive, you can use any available connector from the power supply. You will also use the cable that came with the CD-ROM drive to connect it to the motherboard and plug the other end into the drive. Connect the audio for the CD drive. Next, there is an obvious place for it to plug in on the motherboard and on the drive itself Hard disk devices use a ribbon cable to connect to each other. Ribbon cables have all of the wires laid flat next to each other instead of bunched or wrapped together in a bundle. IDE ribbon cables have either 40 or 80 wires. There is a connector at each end of the cable and another one about two-thirds of the distance from the motherboard connector.. The three connectors are typically different colors and attach to specific items: ï‚ § The blue connector attaches to the motherboard ï‚ § The black connector attaches to the primary (master) drive ï‚ § The grey connector attaches to the secondary (slave) drive. The last step is installing the power supply in the case. The power supply has two sides. The fan side faces outside the case and the wire side face inside. Slide the power supply onto its brackets and secure it with screws. Connect the power connector is leads to the motherboard. These are should be a large one and a small one, and it will be obvious as to where each one goes. You will be left with about 15 more wires. Dont worry the manuals have a page to tell you exactly where each one goes. Each of them has a label that corresponds to a label on the correct port. It is time to turn your machines on and see if its work. If there are a switch on the back of the power supply, make sure it is on. Also make sure that the power supply is set correctly to 110 or 220 volts At the same your personal computer is powering up and already use Installing Net Interface Card 1. You will select â€Å"Installation the software automatically (Recommended)† and click â€Å"Next†. 2. Searching hardware device. 3. You will click â€Å"Next†. 4. Installation software. 5. You will click â€Å"Finish†. 6. Then Local Area Connection is enabling. Using an appropriate hub or switch connect the PCs using appropriate cabling †¢ The PCs are connected with a single cable (crossover cable limited to two PCs), or are they connected to a hub/switch †¢ First, these â€Å"lights† are really light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and will usually appear in some form of yellow, orange, or green colour, depending on the NIC manufacturer †¢ Second, the link light indicates that the NIC and the cable have a valid electrical connection between the PC and the network device, usually a hub or a switch †¢ The NIC, cable, and hubs or switches are working. When the activity light blinks, it is indicating that data is being transferred between the networking devices †¢ The data is usable—it just means that data is making the trip from the NIC to the hub or switch or from the hub or switch to the NIC †¢ If you are having trouble connecting to a network or communicating to other machines on the network, the link and activity lights are a good place to start your troubleshooting. 1. Microsoft Windows XP Professional Configuration and fine-tuning 1. First we need to install window on hard disk drive. Insert the installation CD into the CD drive. Change the boot setting to the boot from CD. Then save and exit. When you see â€Å"Press any key to boot from CD,you press space bar to boot from cd. The blue screen will appear like above and wait for loading set up 2. The blue screen appears like below and the instruction will also give you how to do. If you want to set up window XP, press ENTER and if repair, press R and if want to quit, press F3. We want to set up window XP so press ENTER to install window 3. This step is license agreement from Microsoft and if you will agree this license, press F8 key. 4. This step is showed your unpartition space on your hard disk and it is new so no need delete.In this step,you have to create partition space for your hard disk .Therefore press C for create partition. 5. In disk C, you have to install window and other application so you give 40000 MB space. Then press ENTER. 6. You will see the partition space have been created. And then you select on the un partitioned space and create partition space again. 7. In the disk D, you have to store your data and other information so you give 40000 MB space. Then press ENTER. 8. You will see the partition space have been created. 9. Select â€Å"Format the partition using the NTFS file system†. And then press â€Å"Enter† to continue. 10. Wait a minutes for formats the partition. 11. And then wait a minutes for copies files 12. After formatting, the computer will reboot and in this time dont press any key when you will see† Press any key boot from CD†. Then you will see window is running. 13. You will see GUI after reboot and wait 39 minutes for installing windows. 14. Wait a minutes for â€Å"Get support for the latest hardware and software. 15. Click â€Å" Next† after installation. 16. Fill â€Å"full name† and â€Å"Organization† and click â€Å"Next†. 17. After that input product key. Product key might be on window XP CDor on the cover. Then click next. 18. In this stage you must input computer name and administrator password and again rein put this password at confirm password. Then click next. 19. If you see the time date, click next again. 20. Wait a few minutes for â€Å"Explore your creative side with photos and videos†. 21. Choice â€Å"Typical Setting† and click â€Å"Next†. 22. Choice â€Å"No this computer is not on a network, or is on a network, without a domain† and Click â€Å"Next†. 23. And then wait a few minutes for â€Å"Windows Movie Maker makes it easy and fun to capture,create,and share home movies†. 24. Wait5 minutes for â€Å"Experience the ultimate in safety, security, and privacy†. 25. Wait 9 minutes for â€Å"Easy move documents and personal settings to a new computer†. 26. Wait 1 minutes for â€Å"Be assured of greater accessibility†. 27. You will see Microsoft Windows XP logo. 28. Click â€Å"OK†. 29. Click â€Å"OK† to continue. 30. You will see â€Å"Welcome to Microsoft Windows†. 31. You will click â€Å"Next†. 32. This stage is checking your internet connection and click â€Å"Next†. 33. Click Next. 34. Enter â€Å"Your name† and click â€Å"Next†. 35. Click â€Å"Finish†. 36. Appear Welcome box. 37. In this stage you can already use â€Å"Microsoft Windows Xp†. 38. You can change background image . 39. You can also change icons . 40. Double click on my computer icon. 41. Right click on the Local Disk(D) and click â€Å"format†. 42. You will click on the start button. 43. And then you will click on the ok button. 44. This step is complete format so you will click on the ok button. 45. You can already store your data and other information on the Local Disk (D). Network for PC 1 1. Right-click on the â€Å"My Network Place† and click on the properties. 2. You will see Local Area Connection is enable in the Network Connection . 3. Right click on the Local Area Connection and click properties. 4. In the General tab you will choice the â€Å"Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) and click properties. 5. You will see already select â€Å"Obtain an IP address automatically†. 6. So you will select again the â€Å"Use the following IP address†. 7. For PC1 , IP address is .This IP is group A. 8. In the run box, type cmd and click on â€Å"OK† button. 9. This step is testing these network. If your network is connect, show message (Reply from†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..).If your network is disconnect, show message (Request time out or so on). 10. If your network is connect, showed message below the figure. 11. Open your Local Disk D and then right click on anywhere and choice new folder. 12. In this folder, rename pc1. 13. Right-click on this folder and click â€Å"Sharing and Security†. 14. Select the sharing tab. 15. In the sharing tab and select â€Å"share this folder on the network†. 16. In this stage, pc1 folder is already share. 17. Right-click on the â€Å"My Network Place† and then click â€Å"Open†. 18. You will see â€Å"View workgroup computers† and click on it. 19. You will see Workgroup computers. 20. This step is viewed on the win2. 1. Right-click on the â€Å"My Network Place† and click on the properties. 2. You will see Local Area Connection is enable in the Network Connection. 3. Right click on the Local Area Connection and click properties. 4. In the General tab you will choice the â€Å"Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)† and click properties. 5. You will see already select â€Å"Obtain an IP address automatically†. 6. So you will select again the â€Å"Use the following IP address†. 7. For PC1 , IP address is .This IP is group A. 8. In the run box, type cmd and click on â€Å"OK† button. 9. This step is testing these network. If your network is connect, show message (Reply from†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..).If your network is disconnect, show message (Request time out or so on). 10. If your network is connect, showed message below the figure. 11. Open your Server2003 Local Disk D and then right click on anywhere and choice new folder. 12. In this folder, rename pc2. 13. Right-click on this folder and click â€Å"Sharing and Security†. 14. Select the sharing tab. 15. In the sharing tab and select â€Å"share this folder on the network†. 16. In this stage, pc1 folder is already share. Install and configure the printer on one of the PCs Network Printer for Win-1 1. HpDeskjet 3900 printer put into your computers USB port at the same time you will see â€Å"Found New Hardware†. 2. Click the start menu bar and choice setting and click printer and fax. 3. We will see â€Å"Add a printer† and click on it. 4. We will see â€Å"Add printer Wizard† and click â€Å"Next†. 5. Choice â€Å"Local printer attached to the computer† and click â€Å"Next†. 6. You will click on the down arrow and choice â€Å"USB(Virtual printer ports for USB) and click on the â€Å"Next†. 7. You will see this box and click on the â€Å"Next† 8. You will click on the â€Å"Have Disk† button. 9. Appear â€Å"Install From Disk† dialog box and click on the â€Å"OK† button. 10. You will choice the â€Å"auto run†. 11. You will see next time â€Å"Install From Disk† dialog box and click on the â€Å"Browse† button. 12. You will see â€Å"Add Printer Wizard† dialog box and click on the â€Å"Next†. 13. And then your printer name is â€Å"Hp Deskjet 3300 Series† and click on the â€Å"Next†. 14. You will choice the â€Å"Do not share this printer† and click â€Å"Next†. 15. Choice â€Å"No† and click â€Å"Next† button. 16. You will click on the â€Å"Finish† button. 17. The network printer can already use. 18. Right click on the printer and click on printing preferences. 19. You will click on the â€Å"Sharing† tab and you will see â€Å"Do not share this printer. 20. You will share this printer so you will select the â€Å"Share this printer† and click â€Å"Apply and OK† button. 21. This step is already use and already share this printer. Network Printer for Win-2 1. Click the start menu bar and choice setting and click printer and fax. 2. You will see â€Å"Add a printer† and click on it. 3. You will see â€Å"Add printer Wizard† and click â€Å"Next†. 4. Choice â€Å"Local printer attached to the computer† and click â€Å"Next†. 5. Select â€Å"A network printer, or a printer attached to another computer and click â€Å"Next†. 6. You will see â€Å"Browse for a printer† already selected . 7. So you will select again on â€Å"Connect to the printer (or to browse for a printer select this option and click next)† and click on the â€Å"Next† button. 8. Type your printer name and click on the â€Å"Next† button. 9. Connect to the printer is successful and click on finish button. 10. The network printer can already use on the network. Network Printer for win-3 1. Click the start menu bar and choice setting and click printer and fax. 2. We will see â€Å"Add a printer† and click on it. 3. We will see â€Å"Add printer Wizard† and click â€Å"Next†. 4. You will see already select â€Å"Local printer attached to the computer† and click â€Å"Next†. 5. So you will select â€Å"A network printer, or a printer attached to another computer and click â€Å"Next†. 6. You will see â€Å"Browse for a printer† already selected . 7. So you will select again on â€Å"Connect to the printer (or to browse for a printer select this option and click next)† and click on the â€Å"Next† button. 8. Type your printer name and click on the â€Å"Next† button. 9. This step is asked to connect with the network printer and click on yes button. 10. Connect to the printer is successful and click on finish button. 11. The network printer can already use on the network. Sharing folder 1. Right-click on the desktop choice new folder. 2. You will rename this folder. 3. You will see the folder on the desktop. 4. Right click on the folder and choice the share and security 5. In sharing tab, selected â€Å"Sharing the folder† and click on permission button 6. Checked on all allowed button and click apply and ok button 7. You will see already shared folder on the desktop. Task 3 Searching for PCs and other peripheral devices No Name StartDate EndDate 1. Monitor 3.7.2009 3.7.2009 2. Casing and Power Supply 3.7.2009 3.7.2009 3. Mother board 3.7.2009 3.7.2009 4. Microprocessor 3.7.2009 3.7.2009 5. Hard disk drive 3.7.2009 3.7.2009 6. Graphic card 4.7.2009 4.7.2009 7. Main Memory 4.7.2009 4.7.2009 8. CD-ROM 4.7.2009 4.7.2009 9. Printer 4.7.2009 4.7.2009 10. Microsoft Windows XP Professional w/SP2 5.7.2009 5.7.2009 Searching for Network devices No Name StartDate EndDate 1. Network Interface Card 5.7.2009 5.7.2009 2. UTP cable 5.7.2009 5.7.2009 3. Switch 5.7.2009 5.7.2009 Assembling the Personal Computer and driver installation No Name StartDate EndDate 1. Assembling the PCs 30.7.2009 30.7.2009 2. Main Memory installation 31.7.2009 31.7.2009 3. Graphic Card installation 31.7.2009 31.7.2009 4. CD-ROM installation 31.7.2009 31.7.2009 5. Hard disk format and 1.8.2009 1.8.2009 6. Window XP installation 1.8.2009 1.8.2009 Preparing three Personal Computer connect to the network and sharing printer No Name StartDate EndDate 1. Network card installation 29.8.2009 29.8.2009 2. 3PCs Network 29.8.2009 29.8.2009 3. Sharing folder 29.8.2009 29.8.2009 2. Sharing printer 2.9.2009 2.9.2009 Task 4 Task4 Name, location and contents of 5 Major system files in Windows XP †¢ C:WINDOWSBOOT.INI †¢ C: WINDOWS NTLD †¢ C: WINDOWS NTBOOTDD.SYS †¢ C: WINDOWS NTUSER.DAT †¢ C: WINDOWS NTDETECT.COM 5 common technologies available for establishing Internet connectivity through Our Windows XP 1. ADSL(use phone line and cable modem) 2. Wi-Max(use access point) 3. Satellite 4. Broadband and 5. IP star Features of Linux †¢ the several programs running at the same time †¢ the several users on the same machine at the same time (and no two-user licenses!) †¢ runs on many different CPUs, not just Intel †¢ One program cant bring the whole system down †¢ Linux only reads from disk those parts of a program that are actually used †¢ dynamically linked shared libraries (DLLs), and static libraries too, of course †¢ support for many national or customized keyboards, and it is fairly easy to add new ones dynamically †¢ supports several common file systems, including minix, Xenix, and all the common system V file systems †¢ UMSDOS is special file systems which allows Linux to install on a DOS file system †¢ read-only HPFS-2 support for OS/2 2.1 †¢ TCP/IP networking, ftp, telnet, NFS and so on †¢ Netware client and server †¢ LAN Manager/Windows Native (SMB) client and server †¢ the base protocols available include TCP, IPv4, IPv6, AX.25, X.25, IPX, DDP (AppleTalk), Netrom and so on †¢ Stable network protocols included TCP, IPv4, IPX, DDP, AX.25 and etc Reference Web Reference Book Reference PC World Fundamental of Hardware and Operating system

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Oracle :: essays research papers

Dates in Oracle are stored in numeric format. Each date represents the century, year, month, day, hours, minutes, and seconds. The default date format is DD-MON-YY. Using the SYSDATE function, you can display the current date and time. You can use SYSDATE as you would use any other column name. In order to view the time you will need to use the TO_CHAR function along with a format mask which includes a time format element. For example, you can display the current date by selecting SYSDATE from a table. You usually select SYSDATE from a dummy table called DUAL. All users can access the DUAL table. It is owned by the SYS user. It consists of one column known as DUMMY, and one row with the value X. When you want to return a value - not necessarily a date - once only, the DUAL table is useful. To display the current date using the DUAL table, you use the command shown. And the output displays the current date. Dates are stored as numbers in the database, which enables you to perform arithmetical calculations on them. You can add or subtract a number to or from a date for a resultant date value. You can subtract one date from another to find the number of days between them. You can also add hours to a date and time value. This is performed by dividing the number of hours in the time value by 24. Let's take a look at how you can manipulate dates. Let's say that you want to add and subtract days from the current date. To add one hundred days to the current date, you type the command shown. The result is displayed in the column SYSDATE+100. If you want to subtract 34 days from the current date, you type the command shown. The result is displayed in the column SYSDATE-34. Let's say you want to subtract the hire date from the current date - you type the command shown. The result shows the number of days between the current date and the hire date. Let's say you want to display dates in terms of weeks. To show the number of weeks each employee in department 10 has worked, you first subtract the hiredate from the current date. Then you divide the result by seven. You can use date functions in a similar way to number functions to operate on Oracle dates. The MONTHS_BETWEEN function finds the number of months between two dates. The result is displayed as a numeric value. This is the only date function that does not return a date value.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird - Faults with Characters, Plot, and

The Flaws of To Kill a Mockingbird    Is it possible to judge literary classics to have failings or are they beyond contemporary measurements? As perfection is not attainable in any media, "classics" such as To Kill a Mockingbird, a novel by Harper Lee, can be found to have many instances of fault and flaw. A great novel should ease the reader into learning the story's characters and histories. It should include a plot that keeps the reader up all night wanting to read more. And it should also include a theme that remains clear and focused; to reach out to a reader without being encumbered. However this is not the case with To Kill a Mockingbird. To Kill a Mockingbird has faults with its characters, plot, and overall theme. The introduction of both the characters and their histories are flawed. The novel hastily presents a great number of characters within a short amount of written space; causing the reader trouble when trying to differentiate between them. With a few dozen individuals taking part in the goings on in the story arc, one finds oneself constantly backtracking through the story to find previous references and descriptions of the characters to remember who they are. What is worse is the fact that many of the names of said persons mentioned early in the story make no appearance at all later on in the work. "...but they were Haverfords, in Maycomb county a name synonymous with jackass...John Hale Finch was ten years younger than my father" (Lee 5). "Jem gave Dill the general attitudes of the more prominent figures: Mr. Tensaw Jones voted the straight Prohibition ticket; Miss Emily Davis dipped snuff in private; Mr. Byron Waller could play the violin..." (Lee 159). This leads t... ...un in his hand" (Lee 112). This lesson or theme is one of several that the children learn in the story, this particular one being from the incident with Mrs. Dubose. The majority of the novel makes use these sub arcs and lessons to add meat the novel. But instead dilutes the true them of the book, and the reason for which is was made. In conclusion, one finds that because of problems found within the characters, plot, and theme of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, that this piece of classical literature is not perfect. Clearly by realizing its faults one can see that even a well-known and loved book is often no better than any of the mediocre novels of today. Classical works can indeed be judged, and many are far from perfect. Work Cited: Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird. (New York, N.Y.; Warner Books, Inc., 1982) 3-5, 99, 112, 159, 164, 247.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Brazil’s Bioethanol Initiative Essay -- Essays Papers

Brazil’s Bioethanol Initiative The OPEC oil embargo caused many ripple effects throughout the world, but few places set in motion a response as dramatic as the county of Brazil. Brazil, a sprawling oil-poor country in South America was hit especially hard by the drop in ready world oil supplies. The county was gearing up for the transition from an agricultural and subsistence economy, to an industrialized one in the early seventies. This was accompanied by an increase in oil imports to the nation from overseas. Early in this effort, the balance of trade was relatively good despite the oil imports due to a strong sugar market. This led to a relative abundance of foreign or â€Å"hard† capital for the Brazilian government to use to implement widespread changes to the county’s infrastructure. With the advent of the oil embargo, that changed the economic picture. The blow was worsened by sugar prices plummeting on the commodities market during the same period, giving the Brazilian economy a reeling combination. The Government reacted by instituting a relatively daring national policy, designed to deliver a two -pronged benefit to the county. The plan was to use the national excess sugar production to make ethanol for vehicle use. This program began in 1975 and was to use traditional fermentation to make fuel. Fermentation is the best known process by which various microbes break down sugars to make ethanol. While there a wide range of yeasts and bacteria that can make alcohol, the base substrate remains essentially the same. It requires either glucose or sucrose for the biologic pathways to function. This is arguably the earliest biotechnological process in the world and has been used for fuel, consumption and feedstocks for cent... ...ion of cellulose can be utilized to make substrate for fermentation, a technology that Brazil has invested in recently to make better use of its fibrous wastes from cane and other crops. Brazil has taken bold steps to self-sufficiency in the last three decades and has been a model often pointed to by the alternative energy community. I believe that they have plotted a courageous course and will be in the position to gain the fruits of their labors soon. Perhaps they can lead the rest of us by example. References: Assessing the Impact of the Green Revolution, 1960-2000 Evenson, R.A. and Gollin D. ; May 2003, Science, vol.3 Brazilian Biomass Processing Meetings (1998/99) IEA Task 26: Biotechnology for the Conversion of Lignocellulosics to Ethanol, No 2 May 1998

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Rising of the Characters in Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises

Ernest Hemingway’s novel entitled â€Å"The Sun also Rises† is a story of different men from different backgrounds. The main character or protagonist in the story is Jake Barnes. Along with him in his journey were Robert Cohn whom to be his closest friend, Lady Brett Ashley whom to be the love of his life, Mike Campbell whom to be Brett’s fiancà ©, and Bill Gorton whom to be the other friend of the group. The story started in a biographical description of Jake on his friend Robert Cohn. He called him Cohn while he narrates his story, their story.Jake is a World War I veteran whom soon becomes a journalist while Cohn is a rich Jewish writer. Cohn asked Jake to go with him to the South America but Jake refuses to go with him. When they went to a disco club, they saw Brett. Jake reminisce the memory when he and Brett met during the World War I. It was actually a great time for them to have their relationship but Brett refuses to make up with him because she learned that because of Jake’s wound, he is already impotents and she could did not want to sacrifice her sexual urge just for Jake.Soon, Brett and Mike met that made Brett fall in love with him. Brett became Mike’s fiancà © and would like to go to Spain to spend their moment together and watch the fiesta. They met Jake, Cohn, and Bill during their trip. During the journey, they could not able to find each other so they went to Spain in pairs – Jake and Bill as a pair, while Mike, Brett, and Cohn as the other pair. They had a great time during the first night but it’s been Brett who has the greatest night because she had the opportunity to know Pedro Romero, a handsome but young bullfighter.Brett decided to go with Romero but soon went back to Mike and said that she does not want to ruin Romero’s life and career. The story ends when Brett asked Jake to accompany her to Mike. Brett realizes that Jake is a good companion during their journey together. Jake and Cohn have many similarities and differences throughout the whole novel. Even if they have different backgrounds, they are similar in the way on how they treat a woman and how they think about the larger perspective of human life.Because in the beginning of the novel, Jake illustrated the biography of Cohn, he had stated all his strengths and weaknesses that made the readers understood the personality of Cohn in the beginning of the novel while Jake’s character emerged and evolved into a larger scale as the novel went through. Jake described Cohn depending on how he perceived Cohn’s identity whether on his career, personal life, or love life. â€Å"He was more enthusiastic about America than ever, and he was not so simple, and he was not so nice,† (Hemingway 16).Even if Cohn was not a war veteran, both of them have simple dreams and per4spectives in life. It was seen on their journey in Spain and the way they treated women especially Brett. Even if Cohn did not acknowledge his feelings right through Jake’s naked emotions, he knew that he likes Brett, next to Francesca. Because they both like Brett, they wanted Brett to be happy even if the cause is strange to both of them. However, Jake is more prank than Cohn. Cohn does not show his feelings so much while Jake is open to his feelings or emotions in different people.The difference between Cohn and Jake aside from the fact that Jake went to the war while Cohn did not is that Jake is more open to reality while Cohn was not that broad when it comes to the real situations. Another thing is that Jake is a journalist while Cohn is a writer. It means that Jake is more on the actual or real revelation of the reality while Cohn is more on the fictional sense of the world. â€Å"The publisher has praised his novel pretty highly and it rather went to his head.Then several women had put themselves out to be nice to him, and his horizons had all shifted,† (16). Cohn lived in a fiction al life with all the praises and acknowledgement of the people behind him while Jake lived in a realm where there is battle, fear, hatred, and sufferings that he needs to overcome while he is living. Their differences evolved into a wider scenario as the novel went on. However, in the beginning of the novel showed their big differences as Jake did not want to go where Cohn wants and vice versa.Cohn wants more on the historical side while Jake wants on the cultural side of the country they want to go. â€Å"So there you were. I was sorry for him, but it was not a thing you could do anything about because right away you ran up against the two stubbornness: South America could fix it and he did not like Paris,† (20). However, the thing is that Jake is more convicted with what he says rather than Cohn. When Jake wants something, he pursued it even if there are things that might be interrupted. Nevertheless, he worked on it to avoid circumstances that Cohn could not obtain.This is what Jake learned in the war that Cohn did not learned while having his rich life and popularity as a writer. As a whole, both Jake and Cohn showed their contrasting and similar personalities throughout the whole novel. All the other characters helped them obtain their characterization and realization in the beginning and end of the story that mould them to become significant protagonists in the novel. The author showed balance information on how to perceive the characters in different angles and concepts that would not overlap Jake and Cohn’s establishment of characterization.